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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hate, Hate Groups, Belonging to the Old Institutional Thought, Be Open Minded, Be of Free Thought, Be of Free Spirit, Free Your Mind

I guess all have hate in them, all have some hypocrisy, All lie, nothing is perfect in life, not even people. It is when you put people down with a shoot from the hip statements with no constructive backing, join groups that hate and it makes you feel better being part of a collective cause or join a church of hypocrisy again to bring forth that you are a part of a collective group, but in reality you cannot accept your originality, you want to divide, make friction, become extreme and fanatical because you do not have the capability to be diverse in all matter of logic and reasoning. No capability to be universal, part of the whole world and not just yours, Making up for your shortcomings when in reality you are global and connected in many ways and will not accept the truth. You watch reality shows to makeup up for your own that you cannot handle. You watch fake people who call fake news in which means your are programmable and are like a candle in the wind, never knowing what to cling to when the rain sets in. Freethought, free spirit, free choice, free trade, free your mind, don't be color blind, then you will become diverse, universal, independent in thought, debatable with logic and reason and not hate but learn new things because you never will be perfect unless you leave your shell, think global.

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