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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Be Yourself in Relationships and Set Your Own Agenda and Work As A Team Instead of Being a Control Freak

Of course no one will ever be as we expect. Of course we need to close one eye, pretend we do not hear certain things, let pass so many others. If we take everything to the letter, it is very difficult to maintain a friendship or a relationship. But you can not step on eggshells all the timeto please everyone or keep down stress, you can not play a role at all times. We need to be ourselves, think free, be free spirited, be on our own journey and not someone elses. We need to maintain my ourselves first, we can not live giving excuses for our clumsiness or for my excess of sentimentality. Yes, I know this is philosophy about things and looking for excuses for being oneself. But lately You need to use logic and reason, collect facts, make your own analysis and not to believe in some heresay, sort of what is wrong in the White House. Of course, all relationships, friendships, dealing with people and running your own liefe requires effort, you  need to  push your own agenda, not someone elses. But I can not be the only one to make an effort in a relationship, it takes two to tango. Two have more strength than one. Remember that.

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