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Wednesday, January 31, 2018
You sound like you’ll be an interesting character. Welcome to GAB.
This is free Speech unchained. There is no army of nannies to police the place. You have to take out your own trash. There is a drop down on the upper right for each post with a “mute user” option. Select that and you won’t see that user again. It takes some work, but worth the effort.
Free trade, free thinker, free in spirit, multicultural globalist, free markets, free travel, open borders, open society, United Nations supporter, globalist. Retired army, retired social security, New Age Thought. Against any type of fanaticism, control freak agendas, religious fascism, nationalism. Globalist
Nice to meet you. I’m anti political. To paraphrase the gunny sergeant, I’m not prejudiced. Republican, Democrat, Green, Socialists... they’re all equally worthless in my eyes.
Thanks for the advice. Just quit Facebook, I'm middle of the road with room for compromise. My Political track record is Carter, Mondale, Bush 1, Clinton 2X, Gore, Bush 2, McCain, Romney, Clinton. Not much for the Obama Socialist, nor a Trump Nationalistic Isolationism. Like technology and it holds the keys to social change if controlled by the oligarchs.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
25 Reasons for Fatal Vehicle Crashes, 3 in 10 Are Drunk Drivers, Why So Much Emphasis on That?
Only 3 in 10 drivers on the road are drunk or impaired in fatal crashes. So what are the other reasons?
Rated causes:
Rated causes:
1. Distracted Driving
The number one cause of car accidents is not a criminal that drove drunk, sped or ran a red light. Distracted drivers are the top cause of car accidents in the U.S. today. A distracted driver is a motorist that diverts his or her attention from the road, usually to talk on a cell phone, send a text message or eat food.
2. Speeding
You’ve seen them on the highway. Many drivers ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you need to prevent an auto accident.
3. Drunk Driving
When you drink, you lose the ability to focus and function properly and its very dangerous when operating a vehicle. Driving under the influence of alcohol causes car accidents every day, even when they are one the top causes that can be avoided. Always use a designated driver if you go out and drink.
4. Reckless Driving
If you don’t drive carefully, and you may end up in a needless car accident. That’s what often happens to reckless drivers who speed, change lanes too quickly or tailgate before causing a car accident. Reckless drivers are often impatient in traffic so be sure to take extra care around aggressive drivers.
5. Rain
If the weather gets bad so do the roads. Car accidents happen very often in the rain because water creates slick and dangerous surfaces for cars, trucks, and motorcycles and often causes automobiles to spin out of control or skid while braking. To avoid a car accident, drive extra careful when it rains.
6. Running Red Lights
When you’re driving your car, red means stop and not doing so usually leads to car accidents. Drivers that run red lights, run the risk of causing wrongful death because they often cause side-impact collisions at high speeds. To avoid a car accident, look both ways for oncoming cars as you approach a green light.
7. Running Stop Signs
Stop signs should never be ignored, but when they are, serious car accidents are often the result. Each year, thousands of car accidents occur because one driver ran a stop sign. Many rollover accidents and side-impact car accidents result from drivers that run stop signs. You should always look both ways when proceeding through a stop sign.
8. Teenage Drivers
Youth is wasted on the young, but careful driving is never wasted on young drivers. Unfortunately, teenagers aren’t often known for their carefulness. When teen drivers hit the roads they don’t always know what to do and that lack of experience ends up causing car accidents.
9. Night Driving
Driving in the daylight can be hazardous, but driving at night nearly doubles the risk of a car accident occurring. When you can’t see what’s up ahead you don’t know what to anticipate as you drive towards it. As the sun goes down, your awareness of the road and cars around you must go up.
10. Design Defects
No product is ever made perfectly, and cars are no different. Automobiles have hundreds of parts, and any of those defective parts can cause a serious car accident. Many automakers have had problems with design defects in the past, including Ford Explorer rollover accidents and Toyota’s unintended acceleration crashes.
11. Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway, get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind spots and always proceed carefully into the next lane.
12. Wrong-Way Driving
Everyone has lapses in judgment, but when behind the wheel of a car, those clouded instincts can be deadly. You can turn down a street thinking it is a normal right turn when in actuality, it is a one-way street in the opposite direction. When you go the wrong way, everyone is in danger because as you head towards a car accident.
13. Improper Turns
The reason that we have stop lights, turn signals, and lanes designated for moving either right or left as opposed to straight is because when drivers ignore the rules of the road, car accidents are often the result. To prevent a car accident, always look for signs and obey the proper right-of-way before you make a turn.
14. Tailgating
Many drivers are impatient and reckless, driving so close to another car that they cannot react in time if the car in front of them brakes suddenly. Many fatal car accidents have occurred when a motorist dangerously tailgated another driver at high speeds. You can prevent these car accidents by giving the car in front of you a one-car-length buffer for every 10 mph you drive.
15. Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
It’s not only alcohol that is dangerous when mixed with drivers on the road. Drugs, both legal and illegal, can impair your ability to fully function as a driver. If your mind isn’t clear and you don’t have complete control over your body, getting behind the wheel can lead to serious car accidents.
16. Ice
You’re driving down the road, it’s dark out and you want to get home for the warm fire. Next thing you know, you’re car is spinning dangerously out of control because you hit black ice. While San Diego hardly ever has ice, ice is a major cause of car accidents in cities with cold weather climates.
17. Snow
Snow’s dangerous mixture of ice and water is a dangerous recipe for car accidents each winter storm. Like ice, snow is not something you usually encounter when driving in San Diego. Cities with cold winters know all-too-well
18. Road Rage
Everyone has been angry at another driver for one reason or another, but some drivers let their rage overcome them. By tailgating another driver in anger or speeding past another driver only to pull in front of them and brake, these road “ragers” cause many needless car accidents each year.
19. Potholes
Motorists in San Diego are well aware of the dangers posed by potholes in the street. Drivers run the risk of losing control of their car or blowing out a tire when they drive over these potholes. If you see a pothole in your car’s path, you can avoid a car accident by making sure that your tires do not drive over it.
20. Drowsy Driving
Driver fatigue isn’t talked about a lot, but how well can we expect anyone to drive when they’re having trouble staying awake. Most of the car accidents caused by drowsy driving occur at night. If you find yourself wanting to fall asleep at the wheel, pull over when it’s safe and try to take a quick 30-minute power nap.
21. Tire Blowouts
Most highways are littered with the scattered remains of a tire blowout. Tire blowouts can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, and they are especially dangerous for bigger automobiles like semi-trucks. When encountering a tire blowout, try to maintain control of your vehicle and pull over safely and you will likely avoid a serious car accident.
22. Fog
Fog isn’t the most common weather occurrence, and that’s good news for car accidents statistics. Driving is a skill that requires the ability to see, but fog makes it extremely difficult to see sometimes more than a car length in front of you. Avoid car accidents by using your head lights — and never your high beams — when driving in the fog.
23. Deadly Curves
Some people call them dead man’s curves, but everyone should be careful when approaching a curve. Many motorists have lost control of their cars along a dangerous curve and lost their lives in a car accident. So when you approach these signs, take the head of the posted speed limit and drive cautiously to avoid a car accident.
24. Animal Crossings
While drivers are required to know the rules of the roadway, wild animals do not take driver’s education. Wild animals will wade out into the street, and it’s up to you to make sure that you don’t get into a car accident with them. Take caution when you see an animal crossing sign and use your high beams when traveling in rural, woody areas.
25. Street Racing
Glorified by the Fast and the Furious movie franchise, street racing is an underground culture of fast cars and deadly car accidents. With turbo engines and nitrous oxide boosters, cars often reach very high speeds during a street race, making any resulting car accident much more dangerous and unlikely to yield any survivors.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Fake News?
So tired of hearing of the fake news. It never came up, until we got a fake president, who likes fake wrestling, fake televangelist, and flipping houses. If you can't determine fake news then you have no logical or reasonable thought processes.
Friday, January 26, 2018
A Quote on Fake News-Frockman Philosophy
f you can't figure out fake news, then you are programmable. Research something if you don't believe it or have doubts, don't let someone tell you it is fake news or has you hooked or addicted to one medium, The internet is a whole lot diversified than the mainstream media. 2 in 3 get their information from the tree of knowledge, social internet, and search engines.
Propaganda does not work in modern society anymore. The Trump Administration is trying to bring it back once used by Fascist, Communist, Nazis, and Monopolist.
Propaganda does not work in modern society anymore. The Trump Administration is trying to bring it back once used by Fascist, Communist, Nazis, and Monopolist.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
False Idea of the New World Order vs the Real Idea of a New World Order
The revealing of the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly, it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.
Rebuttal: The architecture of a New World Order set up by a collective United Nations is not in it's part a dictatorship, except in the only case the security council is the New World order according to all nations having say so in a global community where each affects each other. It is a diversified world driven by free thought, universal spirit, free markets determined by the worldwide consumer and free flow of information of ideas and debate to come upon the best solutions for the world and is ever changing. It is a multicultural exchange of making the world more diverse, ever improving in the intent to democratize the whole world as one.
Rebuttal: The architecture of a New World Order set up by a collective United Nations is not in it's part a dictatorship, except in the only case the security council is the New World order according to all nations having say so in a global community where each affects each other. It is a diversified world driven by free thought, universal spirit, free markets determined by the worldwide consumer and free flow of information of ideas and debate to come upon the best solutions for the world and is ever changing. It is a multicultural exchange of making the world more diverse, ever improving in the intent to democratize the whole world as one.
What Type of Worldwide Control, The Carbon Tax
A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.
Rebuttal: No. It is a United Nations, most are democracies elected by the people and not monopolized by dictatorships or governments or monarchs. The carbon tax would be wrong when trees absorb carbon as their food and now there is a carbon capturing technology that can go back into the ground. Oh, oil and coal. There will be no neo-feudal slavery. The neo-nazi religious fascist is what you have to watch out for backed by a EVILangelical Council, a military complex and a police state intent to go global or an Islamic sharia law system of dark age globalization. Both right now vs each other. Freethought, free spirit free markets.
Rebuttal: No. It is a United Nations, most are democracies elected by the people and not monopolized by dictatorships or governments or monarchs. The carbon tax would be wrong when trees absorb carbon as their food and now there is a carbon capturing technology that can go back into the ground. Oh, oil and coal. There will be no neo-feudal slavery. The neo-nazi religious fascist is what you have to watch out for backed by a EVILangelical Council, a military complex and a police state intent to go global or an Islamic sharia law system of dark age globalization. Both right now vs each other. Freethought, free spirit free markets.
Scientific Democracy vs Old Institutional Philosophies
A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.
Rebuttal: Scientific decentralization and ever development of technology, where the old institutional thought patterns in the world vs traditional religious fascism, monopolized governments, oligarchical corporate controls, nationalized isolationism, sharia law (Islam), With the internet and the social networks of today and the free flow of market capital, worldwide consumerism in choice, exchange in multicultural and free flow over social networks of information and thought, which is better? The tyranny is Trumpism, nationalism, the threat of abolishment of net neutrality and the rebirth of prohibition is worse.
Rebuttal: Scientific decentralization and ever development of technology, where the old institutional thought patterns in the world vs traditional religious fascism, monopolized governments, oligarchical corporate controls, nationalized isolationism, sharia law (Islam), With the internet and the social networks of today and the free flow of market capital, worldwide consumerism in choice, exchange in multicultural and free flow over social networks of information and thought, which is better? The tyranny is Trumpism, nationalism, the threat of abolishment of net neutrality and the rebirth of prohibition is worse.
Multinational Corps, Human Capital, Diversified Currency and Monetary Capital, Better Than Being Controlled by Old Institutions
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.
Rebuttal: He talks of multinational corporations. But we need foreign investment from abroad and know how from human capital abroad. We need a diversified multicultural multi-national free trade. There is nothing wrong with a United World coming together to solve problems. Being controlled by a world dictator, world monopolized political system, worldwide oligarchs, military imperialism or a religious government is, such as Islamic or Christian Fascist world is. There will never be a world currency, there will always be diversified currency and monetary forces at work. This is the key to the free financial flow of capital and market controlled by consumer-driven trends.
Rebuttal: He talks of multinational corporations. But we need foreign investment from abroad and know how from human capital abroad. We need a diversified multicultural multi-national free trade. There is nothing wrong with a United World coming together to solve problems. Being controlled by a world dictator, world monopolized political system, worldwide oligarchs, military imperialism or a religious government is, such as Islamic or Christian Fascist world is. There will never be a world currency, there will always be diversified currency and monetary forces at work. This is the key to the free financial flow of capital and market controlled by consumer-driven trends.
Mass Media vs Social Media
"It's been demonstrated that well within two minutes of watching television, most people enter a hypnotic alpha state bordering on theta, [a trance-like state induced by the flicker of the television broadcast signal]. Viewers in this state are no longer able to critically evaluate, discern, or pass judgement from their own moral database on the material being viewed. The information just flows, unimpeded, into their subconscious year in and year out." -Rense
Rebuttal: It is mass media and oligarchical owners of the mass media that want you programmed. There are two types of media. The cable networks and the internet networks and social sites. The difference is that the social media is not programmed one way, with social media, you have input to the masses and not in sense being programmed in it only coming into one directed at you. Free flow of information and your opinion in the world is important for worldwide democracies to flourish in today's world and free us up to be the best part of the world we can be. Three parts of this is free thought, free spirit and free markets with no disruption.
Rebuttal: It is mass media and oligarchical owners of the mass media that want you programmed. There are two types of media. The cable networks and the internet networks and social sites. The difference is that the social media is not programmed one way, with social media, you have input to the masses and not in sense being programmed in it only coming into one directed at you. Free flow of information and your opinion in the world is important for worldwide democracies to flourish in today's world and free us up to be the best part of the world we can be. Three parts of this is free thought, free spirit and free markets with no disruption.
Media Controls, No Media Diversification, Control Freaks, Repeating History, Religious Fascism, UN, Worldwide Free Flow of Information, Oligarchical Controls Etc
Don't take this to heart. The establishment, churches, big corporations, institutions, traditionalist afraid to move forward and to stay in their comfort zones, afraid of change. Thinking on your own through reason, logic, thinking outside the box, not being programmed, not being gullible or desperate from control freaks, religious fanatics and the government telling you it is fake new ist the way to go.Freethought, free spirit, free markets, free internet content expressed by individuals is what the establishment or traditionalist do not want you to have to control you. When religion mixes with the government to set the agenda and become more powerful than the government, you get a repeat of history of the Dark Ages, Islamic doctrine in the form of the Iranian governments in the most extreme, nationalism (Naziism) etc. Globalism comes in many forms, communism, Nazism, sharia law, etc to program and keep you dum denying access to information and free thought to analyze it. If you go back into the Bible, there was a sense to keep you from the tree of knowledge, such as the story of the Tower of Babel, that you would become a God or your own God, but in since, it was to keep you dumb, not letting you to develop and keep you in a programmed state. The tree of knowledge today is the internet and social networks and the diversification of many choices so you can become an independent thinking and analytical entity developed in your own journey in life and not a mass programmed and manipulated follower of old and ancient ways. Eat the apple, enjoy the tree of knowledge, you can have both. Becoming a God is being able to develop and think on your own and not be programmed to fill a con, control most freaks, programmed, religious agenda. For there are 5000+ religions and disciplines in the world, ever decentralizing the world and that is the true globalization. And that is what the religious fanatics, con artist, oligarchs, central governments, nationalist are worried about. That you might become this diversified portfolio of thought, debatable logical and reasonable individual that will form friction from their path of programming you. You are free to think, say, share, introduce ideas and debate any subject without the fear of persecution. In most cases, the suppressing elements will use religion, monopolized governments, the military conflicts, proxy wars, police state tactics if they feel they are losing grip. Extreme religion bought us the Dark Ages. Prohibition, brought us income inequality, Al Capone and the mobs, the Great Depression, Hiter, Imperial Japan, Communism, and World War 2. Dispelling the idea of the League of Nations in which Woodrow Wilson wanted, but did not happen which would have prevented WW1, the threat to worldwide democracy, which is the true globalization is being threatened again. There are many in the world that do not like a world body that comes together in a diversified mode from many cultures to solve world problems that prevented World War 3 and has given the prosperity that the world enjoys today. Do we wish to repeat history with nuclear war, where no one wins? For the aftermath of it would be a worldwide anarchy. Think well today what is happening today with Trumpism, European nationalism, religious fascism for we are following this pattern.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Monday, January 22, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Monday, January 15, 2018
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Inspiring Humans: Ever Wonder If Your Soul Reincarnated From A Past ...
Inspiring Humans: Ever Wonder If Your Soul Reincarnated From A Past ...: At some point in your life, you may have bumped into someone you just met, yet have a feeling of familiarity for this person. Or, you may ...
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Monday, January 8, 2018
Understanding Why You Are Put Where You Are in Life, the Mission, Immune to Control Freaks and Institutions
You may have your valuable self-drowning in the rivers of wonder by constantly asking yourself why of all people you have to be the one to have to carry the worst of burdens. You may perceive it as a burden which truly it is in whichever way it could define, but on the other way round it is a burden that has come to press you so hard that it can bring out the finest of treasures entrenched in you.
The treasures that reside in you might seem blurry for you to see clearly for the fact that you have given so much attention to the misrepresentation that has been orchestrated to make you drown much deeper into the rivers of wonder. These treasures are so rich and so valuable that it would boldly keep the enemy at work to make sure the passion and the enthusiasm that is supposed to
keep these treasures alive to be filled with toxins that would render such valuables fruitless.
keep these treasures alive to be filled with toxins that would render such valuables fruitless.
Oftentimes this is where many lost the battle in a sense that they would love to disprove the misrepresentation in an instance not fully understanding that it is one of the finest tools the enemy has got and that is to keep you reacting aggressively which in the long run could ruin your personality. The reality about everything will surely come out to light in the passage of time like the saying goes ''lies can be very powerful in the beginning but the truth shall truly take over in the end'' therefore you need not to be consumed by it at all no matter what is been said to make sure your reputation goes down the drain.
You could turn the misrepresentation to your advantage when you keep a calm spirit which will tell you that true that someone with a bright future often goes through such a gross amount of misrepresentation like you do. Although it would not be easy to contain the pain it brings but believe you me that you must have to be a very important a person to be constantly present in the hearts and minds of people who have got the heart to sacrifice their valuable time only to see that you do not become the one in whom you have been ordained to be.
Understanding the reason as to why you have been chosen to be put within such a frame would be of so much good because it would arm you with the wisdom to know that the enemy knows you strongly represent something much greater than you even know that is the reason why you are the central focus to make sure that you fit perfectly well inside the frame into whom they define you to be. It is obviously visible like the sunshine to see that you are somebody who does not only possess an inner strength and the capabilities that is meant to carry you to the fullness of your destiny but indeed you are also a treasure who has come to redeem the downtrodden and also heal the broken heart in ways yourself would never believe whenever such a time comes.
Therefore you must at all times continuously continue to arm yourself with the armor of prayer no matter how hard the enemy tries to confuse to control you because it is the weapon that whenever you are weary would put you back on track and in the process of time everything that presently seems to be going wrong would surely turns out to work out in your favor for he who has started a marvellous work inside you must, by all means, see to it that the work in due time manifests like the sunshine..
Government, Evangelical Power, The Military Complex (Defense Industry), Zionist Lobby and Police State History
Religion and Government Mix and Repeating a Historical Error
Think if you would the crisis in Iran right now and the protest under the control of a religion or supreme leader. Same with North Korea. Think if you would of what we have in the White House right now, not so much Trump, he is just riding a wave. 3 lobbies inside and one gone, the nationalist agenda. The ones that remain right now are the Evangelical Council, the Military Complex (Defense Industry) and the Zionist.-backed by a developing police state. All have similarities. So if you enjoy your personal liberties, such as not being censored in the media, internet freedoms, recreational use of marijuana that does less damage than alcohol.Think of the period between 1918-33, when the church lobby had a lot of power in politics and forced prohibition, created gangsters, Al Capone, killings and bank robberies over this time. The stifling of Wilson's League of Nations, the Great Depression, the stock market crash of 1929, and the income inequality and people committing suicide from losing their money in the stock market.
And now think of those times and the parallels of today's political and historical environment. The church wants more power in government, prohibition of marijuana, upping the drug wars, pulling back from the United Nations, the stock market bubble being created, wealth inequality, dividing the races, nationalism making a come back. World War 3 with Nukes etc, History repeats itself to the ignorance of a forgotten error. Think when you vote in 2018 and turn the tide of repeating this history.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Love Intoxication
Don't get intoxicated, love is blind and sometimes one-sided by a control freak that you become addicted to, so balance your life and be able to shed them off if you can, but then again all relationships are not like this, just some.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Personal Liberties, The Trump Administration, EVILangelist, Morals
Liberties are ever developing and they are being challenged today under this new White House, which will never survive. In 2019, your liberties will be restored and globalization will begin again to melt the world cultures together with connectivity, open borders, and open society. Once we get rid of the EVILangelist lobby in the White House. Liberties should only be judged by law according to a majority in a given geographical area. Personal liberties to where you live must fit your morals and beliefs to where your personal liberty is legal and not invasive on that population. Morals and personal liberties are ever defining themselves
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Traits of an Old Soul and How You Should Be, A Globalist
1. Enthusiastic about understanding others, good listener
2. Constantly thinking, analyzing and calculating
3. Multiple, diverse and universal
4. Very easy going, like Sunday mornings
5. Always seeking knowledge and a lifelong learner
6. Sees and focuses always on the big picture
7. Takes a little and turns it into a lot
8. Comfortable alone, for this, is reflection, reprogramming and meditation
9. Confident
10. Notices small details, detects and corrects
Hey the Global Universalist 10 Commandments
2. Constantly thinking, analyzing and calculating
3. Multiple, diverse and universal
4. Very easy going, like Sunday mornings
5. Always seeking knowledge and a lifelong learner
6. Sees and focuses always on the big picture
7. Takes a little and turns it into a lot
8. Comfortable alone, for this, is reflection, reprogramming and meditation
9. Confident
10. Notices small details, detects and corrects
Hey the Global Universalist 10 Commandments
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Fake, Reason, Logic, Ego, Research, Know for Yourself Fake and What is Real
I will say, no matter how drunk a math teacher may be, if the math he or she is preaching is still correct, the teacher is to be disregarded, not the information. In my humble opinion.
Hence if there is a teacher, guru, yogi, friend Etc.. that is exploiting people in some way, rather it be for power/money/sex or whatever it may be, don't fall in line hating them like everyone else, that is only another barrier between you and that which you are trying to accomplish. Observe what they are saying unbiasedly, if it is so what they are saying, then take it for what it is, if it is false then great. Because now you have countered something for yourself, finding your own recognition of what is. The mind is judgmental, the heart is unconditional. By heart I mean when the mind is not when you are totally present, and oddly when 'you' step into the now 'you' disappear- hence selfless observation, unconditional love, and understanding.. Sounds odd to say, but it should be like when looking through books, hence you should open them up and read if you find truth in it, continue. If you find disinformation, take it for what it is and move on to the next book. With a book you dislike, you won't put so much dislike into it, it is what it is, and in return, there is no hate for you. Often times the fake will only lead you to the real in the long run, unbiasedly observing serves much.
This is also to say that even if all they say is true, you should not cling to the real either, hence the one already there and the one on the way are equal. Once you start to worship any man or women, ego has only trapped you again, sure you may feel love and less alone by their words, but that is no different than any other kind of love relationship, meaning since you haven't gone into your own aloneness and mastered it, you will only continue to be that ego, off and on feeling alone. Not to mention, most people want to be followers in the first place, we are conditioned this way, so true freedom feels like chaos. Sometimes freedom even making some individuals feel bad like they are unallowed. And that is the ugliest thing our society has done unto us all.
It's scary too, dying a little to gain the whole, so most want ego itself to be real, needed, in some way. But that is because they are still deeply identified with only the body, ego, and ego is always control. Ego wants to control and also to be dominated, sex is a good example, some wanting to be dominated and some wanting to dominate.. Once this idea of self is gone, hence the sense that you are a follower or a leader, another dimension of self is seen through, you become a little more whole-closer.

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