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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Media Controls, No Media Diversification, Control Freaks, Repeating History, Religious Fascism, UN, Worldwide Free Flow of Information, Oligarchical Controls Etc

Don't take this to heart. The establishment, churches, big corporations, institutions, traditionalist afraid to move forward and to stay in their comfort zones, afraid of change. Thinking on your own through reason, logic, thinking outside the box, not being programmed, not being gullible or desperate from control freaks, religious fanatics and the government telling you it is fake new ist the way to go.Freethought, free spirit, free markets, free internet content expressed by individuals is what the establishment or traditionalist do not want you to have to control you. When religion mixes with the government to set the agenda and become more powerful than the government, you get a repeat of history of the Dark Ages, Islamic doctrine in the form of the Iranian governments in the most extreme, nationalism (Naziism) etc. Globalism comes in many forms, communism, Nazism, sharia law, etc to program and keep you dum denying access to information and free thought to analyze it. If you go back into the Bible, there was a sense to keep you from the tree of knowledge, such as the story of the Tower of Babel, that you would become a God or your own God, but in since, it was to keep you dumb, not letting you to develop and keep you in a programmed state. The tree of knowledge today is the internet and social networks and the diversification of many choices so you can become an independent thinking and analytical entity developed in your own journey in life and not a mass programmed and manipulated follower of old and ancient ways. Eat the apple, enjoy the tree of knowledge, you can have both. Becoming a God is being able to develop and think on your own and not be programmed to fill a con, control most freaks, programmed, religious agenda. For there are 5000+ religions and disciplines in the world, ever decentralizing the world and that is the true globalization. And that is what the religious fanatics, con artist, oligarchs, central governments, nationalist are worried about. That you might become this diversified portfolio of thought, debatable logical and reasonable individual that will form friction from their path of programming you. You are free to think, say, share, introduce ideas and debate any subject without the fear of persecution. In most cases, the suppressing elements will use religion, monopolized governments, the military conflicts, proxy wars, police state tactics if they feel they are losing grip. Extreme religion bought us the Dark Ages. Prohibition, brought us income inequality, Al Capone and the mobs, the Great Depression, Hiter, Imperial Japan, Communism, and World War 2. Dispelling the idea of the League of Nations in which Woodrow Wilson wanted, but did not happen which would have prevented WW1, the threat to worldwide democracy, which is the true globalization is being threatened again. There are many in the world that do not like a world body that comes together in a diversified mode from many cultures to solve world problems that prevented World War 3 and has given the prosperity that the world enjoys today. Do we wish to repeat history with nuclear war, where no one wins? For the aftermath of it would be a worldwide anarchy. Think well today what is happening today with Trumpism, European nationalism, religious fascism for we are following this pattern.

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