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Monday, January 8, 2018

Government, Evangelical Power, The Military Complex (Defense Industry), Zionist Lobby and Police State History

Religion and Government Mix and Repeating a Historical Error
Think if you would the crisis in Iran right now and the protest under the control of a religion or supreme leader. Same with North Korea. Think if you would of what we have in the White House right now, not so much Trump, he is just riding a wave. 3 lobbies inside and one gone, the nationalist agenda. The ones that remain right now are the Evangelical Council, the Military Complex (Defense Industry) and the Zionist.-backed by a developing police state. All have similarities. So if you enjoy your personal liberties, such as not being censored in the media, internet freedoms, recreational use of marijuana that does less damage than alcohol.Think of the period between 1918-33, when the church lobby had a lot of power in politics and forced prohibition, created gangsters, Al Capone, killings and bank robberies over this time. The stifling of Wilson's League of Nations, the Great Depression, the stock market crash of 1929, and the income inequality and people committing suicide from losing their money in the stock market.
And now think of those times and the parallels of today's political and historical environment. The church wants more power in government, prohibition of marijuana, upping the drug wars, pulling back from the United Nations, the stock market bubble being created, wealth inequality, dividing the races, nationalism making a come back. World War 3 with Nukes etc, History repeats itself to the ignorance of a forgotten error. Think when you vote in 2018 and turn the tide of repeating this history.

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