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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fake, Reason, Logic, Ego, Research, Know for Yourself Fake and What is Real

I will say, no matter how drunk a math teacher may be, if the math he or she is preaching is still correct, the teacher is to be disregarded, not the information. In my humble opinion.
Hence if there is a teacher, guru, yogi, friend Etc.. that is exploiting people in some way, rather it be for power/money/sex or whatever it may be, don't fall in line hating them like everyone else, that is only another barrier between you and that which you are trying to accomplish. Observe what they are saying unbiasedly, if it is so what they are saying, then take it for what it is, if it is false then great. Because now you have countered something for yourself, finding your own recognition of what is. The mind is judgmental, the heart is unconditional. By heart I mean when the mind is not when you are totally present, and oddly when 'you' step into the now 'you' disappear- hence selfless observation, unconditional love, and understanding.. Sounds odd to say, but it should be like when looking through books, hence you should open them up and read if you find truth in it, continue. If you find disinformation, take it for what it is and move on to the next book. With a book you dislike, you won't put so much dislike into it, it is what it is, and in return, there is no hate for you. Often times the fake will only lead you to the real in the long run, unbiasedly observing serves much.
This is also to say that even if all they say is true, you should not cling to the real either, hence the one already there and the one on the way are equal. Once you start to worship any man or women, ego has only trapped you again, sure you may feel love and less alone by their words, but that is no different than any other kind of love relationship, meaning since you haven't gone into your own aloneness and mastered it, you will only continue to be that ego, off and on feeling alone. Not to mention, most people want to be followers in the first place, we are conditioned this way, so true freedom feels like chaos. Sometimes freedom even making some individuals feel bad like they are unallowed. And that is the ugliest thing our society has done unto us all.
It's scary too, dying a little to gain the whole, so most want ego itself to be real, needed, in some way. But that is because they are still deeply identified with only the body, ego, and ego is always control. Ego wants to control and also to be dominated, sex is a good example, some wanting to be dominated and some wanting to dominate.. Once this idea of self is gone, hence the sense that you are a follower or a leader, another dimension of self is seen through, you become a little more whole-closer. 👁️

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