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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Multinational Corps, Human Capital, Diversified Currency and Monetary Capital, Better Than Being Controlled by Old Institutions

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

Rebuttal: He talks of multinational corporations. But we need foreign investment from abroad and know how from human capital abroad. We need a diversified multicultural multi-national free trade. There is nothing wrong with a United World coming together to solve problems. Being controlled by a world dictator, world monopolized political system, worldwide oligarchs, military imperialism or a religious government is, such as Islamic or Christian Fascist world is. There will never be a world currency, there will always be diversified currency and monetary forces at work. This is the key to the free financial flow of capital and market controlled by consumer-driven trends.

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