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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Projected Worldwide Economics 2015-2037 According to the Mathematical Rule of 47

There is a mathematical formula to predicting world economic growth by looking at the population growth of the world over past times. Below is a list of years and the population growth at that time.
It is known that a person will reach their peak spending at 47 years, in in doing so, if you subtract this you will see it on the chart. I.e, 1968 to parallel with 2015 and the world economic growth. Keep in mind, we are in a global economy now and will be so no matter how long people resist globalization. Unless we fall into a worldwide nationalistic state, than will lead to another world war, and most likely that will be our demise, unless we pull out and we will be back on the track to globalization again. This chart is based on world population and not just the USA. This is I am pro life, against birth control, wars, saving lives around the world, preventing senseless killing and worldwide disease. Every human is a part of worldwide growth and presents opportunity and possibilities to this world we live in. To the sides the world will see good growth in these periods.

1968-75m   2015
1969-75m   2016
1970-75m   2017
1971-76m   2018          (2018-2020) growth
1972-76m   2019
1973-76m   2020
1974-75m   2021          (2021-2024) recession
1975-75m   2022
1976-74m   2023
1977-74m   2024
1978-75m   2025          (2025-2035) growth
1979-79m   2026
1980-79m   2027
1981-80m   2028
1982-82m   2029
1984-87m   2030
1985-91m   2031
1986-92m   2032
1987-92m   2033
1988-90m   2034
1989-90m   2035
1990-88m   2036

You can use this to time your worldwide investments.

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