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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Maximizing Globalization

Freedom of the media, Internet, news and commentary.
Free global markets and free global flow of commerce.
All people should be eligible for a retirement system, immigration, populations growth are needed.
A stable Asia, Africa and the Middle East without wars, extremist and religious dogma.
Deregulation of Nanotechnologies.
Deregulation of Biotechnology.
Globalism through the United Nations for interventions, building coalitions in problem regions.
Free information flow and access to it.
Open society and open borders.
Technology advancement at fast pace.
The world economy must be connected for cooperation.
Life long learning.
Decentralization, deregulation and resending laws and regulation that do not make any sense in today's world.
Democracy and get out the vote.
Networking through mobile means and the Internet.
North to south will happen, South Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Freedom in music, art and entertainment.
Eliminate the laws pertaining to prostitution, certain drugs and natural remedies.
Big pharmacy should label what is in the drug prescriptions, they do it with food and other products.
The world should strive to do as much business as possible.
Privatization of Social Security but voluntary.
Keep open economic flow of the Pacific Rim nations to the west coast of the US.
Clamp down on crimes such as theft, violence, rape.
Get rid of the war on drugs.
If we take a tree out of the world, replace it with 3. This goes with anything.
Take a globalized effort to solve medical epidemics.
Do everything we can to suppress war and strive for peace through negotiation.
Clamp down on corrupt government and businesses.
Deregulate and support robotics into the future of peoples lives.
Open borders for easy travel, tourism and money flow.
Explore space but through corporate multinational corporations.
New Age thinking and world religion taken from all teachings being respected.
Be a globalized free spirit of worship.
Doomsayers, extremist, terrorism, wars, conflicts, paranoia, and conspiracies are what slow globalization down.
The global market should be consumer demand driven without subsidies from governments.
Deregulation of transportation, telecommunications, health care, education, freedom of travel.
Fix the worldwide infrastructure problems that hold up transportation, communications and information flow that is needed.
Agriculture should be free traded across borders. Agriculture and farming should not be subsidized.
Support fracking and import knowledge to other countries to keep the flow of oil in the pipelines.
Let all energy sectors be regulated by consumer demand and consumer choice.
Diplomacy is cheaper than war.
Economics over social issues. Both need each other but you cannot move without money.
Recycling but let the consumer make the money off the proceeds instead of local governments.
Move more towards Asia, African, Latin American and Middle East economics.
Free immigration but with background checks.
Nationalism is stagnation, globalization is freedom flow of goods and services.
There are two forms of nationalism. black and white that want the old ways back.
Be pro population growth.
Banking deregulation where you can by insurance, invest, save, apply for credit etc.
Commerce through the Internet is the future and retail shopping will take up less of the pie.
Support BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India and China in their worldwide endeavors.
The selling or leasing of large public land for natural resources, hunting, fishing, farming and private ownership.
Reduction in military budget and spend more on foreign investments, foreign aid and diplomacy.
Prison depopulation and give non violent felons the right to vote.
Subsidize births to promote population growth in the world.
Let world currencies float according to supply and demand.

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