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Friday, November 25, 2016

Keys to Global Economic Sustainability

Countries need immigration growth and pro population growth policies in order to compete wage wise with other countries, keeping labor cost down and dealing with inflation.

Keeping their currencies at a level to compete for imports and exports to other countries and keeping taxes low so it can draw foreign investment influx.

The Hispanic population growth in the US and other nations is a good thing but there needs to be immigration quotas to the amount of ethnic populations that come into the country. There should be a balance. The work force of any area should reflect the population in that area.

Soon by 2025, it is estimated that 40 million baby boomers will be collecting social security and so they earned it, it should not be cut, interfered with or taken away from any government. Privatization is an option and would be good for reinvestment into another country. A social net is needed and needs to be maintained for those who cannot work, disabled or fall through the cracks. Everyone needs a jump start.

In 2025, the world will hit 8 billion people. We must look at all cost to save human populations in the world, through the UN, cooperation with other countries, diplomatic efforts to avoid wars, solving conflicts all over the world and all countries contributing even to the cost of it.

Rising powers such as Brazil, Russia, India and China are already banning together to harness the economic power of free trade and globalization even though globalism cover a wide area and comes in many forms. Basically it is only free markets and economics only. The consumers, markets, traders, trends and ideas are what drive globalization. Not nationalism which is only a resistance to old ideas and comfort zones.

Most of the labor that will be cost efficient in the coming years will come from Africa and the Middle East, like or not. Multinational corporations that sell products and produce other countries will realize this in the coming years. If you invest, you need to grasp this idea to.

Open borders and open trade is essential. Terrorism and the resistance of the old ways in Islam, nationalistic and communist policies are ideas that have to go away. We need to expand on the freedoms of communications through the Internet, freedom of thought, freedom of spirit and the freedom of choice of the people to expand their horizon and not be weighed down by the traditionalist.

Biotechnology and Nanotechnology will play a big part in the up coming decades in the sectors of production, health care, manufacturing, agriculture and food processing.

Artificial intelligence in software, hardware, robotics, social and living will be a big part of the coming decades too. Health care and social adaptation to life will be improves if not by natural means or caused,\

Natural gas, solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear, wave energies will become more popular cancelling out old fossil fuel uses. Energy should be affordable though and should be unregulated in the global market place through consumer based demand without governmental regulation or supplementation.

Where immigration is projected to come from or be based in 2050.

Africa/Middle East     +150%        (Because of population growth)
India/South Asia            +34%       (Because of population growth)
North America               +30%       (Because of current immigration policies)
China/Pacific Asia           +2%       (Because of going to a more service and tech economies)
Europe                             -13%       (Because of immigration policies and low population growth)
Russia/CIS                       -16%       (Because of immigration policies and low populations growth)

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