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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

China, Law at Sea, India and South Asian Security, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, ISIS, TPP, NATO

China: We don not need no trade war with China. Your Social Security is based on 30 year bond debt. China owns a great portion of that. Most of the products made in China are sold in Walmart, Kmart and Target. Shop at a Dollar store, China. We do not need to disrupt a supply line that all Americans rely on and if not, you will learn the word inflation real quit and bitch about it. Bonds are being sold off at a fast pace, they are being dumped and this will effect Americans in interest rates for cars and housing. If we turn our back on globalization and free trade, jobs will not be created unless you can sell a product and a lot that is based on price. Remember, supply and demand and do not create scarcity. Word we have not heard since Nixon.

Laws at Sea: We need to negotiate with China in the shipping department. It is vital that international waters be treated as neutral zones in free trade and all shipping lanes be respected. China is just flexing it's muscle to say, see what I got in naval power. Hope so, because both sides of the world have lots to lose if not.

India and South Asia Security: India has always been neglected in South Asia by America and it is time this has changed. Pakistan has always been a pain, harboring Bin Laden, harboring the Taliban and threatening India with nuclear weapons. India has the people, the nuclear weapons and the educated population to become an economic force in the area. So wake up America and go with what the numbers say.

We do need to keep monitoring the Middle East and what is developing there. Russia and Iran has gained leverage a lot in the area. Russia now has an airbase there and is entrenched in Syria. We need to continue to support the rebels in the area, the fight against ISIS and the Kurds, which has been the greatest fighting force in the area against ISIS. Turkey will be a problem, after ISIS is gone. The Kurds have been fighting along side the US and Iraqi forces. Turkey need to cool its jets in the area.
Russia and Assad will be a problem and I do think Trump will change his tune on the matter, because Putin is a chess player and bull headed.

ISIS is simple. Should have been destroyed a long time ago. Although ISIS is a buffer zone between Turkey and the Kurds and might be preventing something worse to come. They have been degraded to a point that the end is near for them. I think that the Kurds and Iraq will end up fighting the Turks and Russia and Assad will want to kick the Kurds out of Syria in ground that they have gained during the war.

TPP: I see nothing wrong with any free trade agreements that open up the worldwide supply chain to the global consuming market place. Jobs will not increase unless people can buy things at discount stores and deal with inflation and high interest rates. You can deny it, but you did not live in the 70's when this was a serious problem with oil embargoes by pissing off other countries, especially through trade wars.

NATO: I do agree with Trump in one area. The US can not afford no longer to support countries in picking up most of the tab with military support and logistical support to our allies. There needs to be a consensus on cost and sharing the burden so we can keep more money here at home.

So what is we let countries spend more money on their militaries. In the process, maybe they will buy American weapons and create jobs here. We can and cannot afford no longer to be the world's police. We need to count on our military to protect the homeland and its interest, keep the supply chain and shipping lanes open. This goes for nukes too.

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