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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Maximizing Globalization

Freedom of the media, Internet, news and commentary.
Free global markets and free global flow of commerce.
All people should be eligible for a retirement system, immigration, populations growth are needed.
A stable Asia, Africa and the Middle East without wars, extremist and religious dogma.
Deregulation of Nanotechnologies.
Deregulation of Biotechnology.
Globalism through the United Nations for interventions, building coalitions in problem regions.
Free information flow and access to it.
Open society and open borders.
Technology advancement at fast pace.
The world economy must be connected for cooperation.
Life long learning.
Decentralization, deregulation and resending laws and regulation that do not make any sense in today's world.
Democracy and get out the vote.
Networking through mobile means and the Internet.
North to south will happen, South Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Freedom in music, art and entertainment.
Eliminate the laws pertaining to prostitution, certain drugs and natural remedies.
Big pharmacy should label what is in the drug prescriptions, they do it with food and other products.
The world should strive to do as much business as possible.
Privatization of Social Security but voluntary.
Keep open economic flow of the Pacific Rim nations to the west coast of the US.
Clamp down on crimes such as theft, violence, rape.
Get rid of the war on drugs.
If we take a tree out of the world, replace it with 3. This goes with anything.
Take a globalized effort to solve medical epidemics.
Do everything we can to suppress war and strive for peace through negotiation.
Clamp down on corrupt government and businesses.
Deregulate and support robotics into the future of peoples lives.
Open borders for easy travel, tourism and money flow.
Explore space but through corporate multinational corporations.
New Age thinking and world religion taken from all teachings being respected.
Be a globalized free spirit of worship.
Doomsayers, extremist, terrorism, wars, conflicts, paranoia, and conspiracies are what slow globalization down.
The global market should be consumer demand driven without subsidies from governments.
Deregulation of transportation, telecommunications, health care, education, freedom of travel.
Fix the worldwide infrastructure problems that hold up transportation, communications and information flow that is needed.
Agriculture should be free traded across borders. Agriculture and farming should not be subsidized.
Support fracking and import knowledge to other countries to keep the flow of oil in the pipelines.
Let all energy sectors be regulated by consumer demand and consumer choice.
Diplomacy is cheaper than war.
Economics over social issues. Both need each other but you cannot move without money.
Recycling but let the consumer make the money off the proceeds instead of local governments.
Move more towards Asia, African, Latin American and Middle East economics.
Free immigration but with background checks.
Nationalism is stagnation, globalization is freedom flow of goods and services.
There are two forms of nationalism. black and white that want the old ways back.
Be pro population growth.
Banking deregulation where you can by insurance, invest, save, apply for credit etc.
Commerce through the Internet is the future and retail shopping will take up less of the pie.
Support BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India and China in their worldwide endeavors.
The selling or leasing of large public land for natural resources, hunting, fishing, farming and private ownership.
Reduction in military budget and spend more on foreign investments, foreign aid and diplomacy.
Prison depopulation and give non violent felons the right to vote.
Subsidize births to promote population growth in the world.
Let world currencies float according to supply and demand.

Growth of World Economies 2016-2060 Average Annually

China           8%
India             8%
Brazil           5%
Russia          5%
Mexico        5%
Korea           5%
Indonesia     5%
Turkey         5%
USA             4%
France          3%
UK               3%
Italy              2%
Canada         2%
Germany      2%
Japan            2%

Emerging markets Africa and Middle East will see growth at 6%.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Keys to Global Economic Sustainability

Countries need immigration growth and pro population growth policies in order to compete wage wise with other countries, keeping labor cost down and dealing with inflation.

Keeping their currencies at a level to compete for imports and exports to other countries and keeping taxes low so it can draw foreign investment influx.

The Hispanic population growth in the US and other nations is a good thing but there needs to be immigration quotas to the amount of ethnic populations that come into the country. There should be a balance. The work force of any area should reflect the population in that area.

Soon by 2025, it is estimated that 40 million baby boomers will be collecting social security and so they earned it, it should not be cut, interfered with or taken away from any government. Privatization is an option and would be good for reinvestment into another country. A social net is needed and needs to be maintained for those who cannot work, disabled or fall through the cracks. Everyone needs a jump start.

In 2025, the world will hit 8 billion people. We must look at all cost to save human populations in the world, through the UN, cooperation with other countries, diplomatic efforts to avoid wars, solving conflicts all over the world and all countries contributing even to the cost of it.

Rising powers such as Brazil, Russia, India and China are already banning together to harness the economic power of free trade and globalization even though globalism cover a wide area and comes in many forms. Basically it is only free markets and economics only. The consumers, markets, traders, trends and ideas are what drive globalization. Not nationalism which is only a resistance to old ideas and comfort zones.

Most of the labor that will be cost efficient in the coming years will come from Africa and the Middle East, like or not. Multinational corporations that sell products and produce other countries will realize this in the coming years. If you invest, you need to grasp this idea to.

Open borders and open trade is essential. Terrorism and the resistance of the old ways in Islam, nationalistic and communist policies are ideas that have to go away. We need to expand on the freedoms of communications through the Internet, freedom of thought, freedom of spirit and the freedom of choice of the people to expand their horizon and not be weighed down by the traditionalist.

Biotechnology and Nanotechnology will play a big part in the up coming decades in the sectors of production, health care, manufacturing, agriculture and food processing.

Artificial intelligence in software, hardware, robotics, social and living will be a big part of the coming decades too. Health care and social adaptation to life will be improves if not by natural means or caused,\

Natural gas, solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear, wave energies will become more popular cancelling out old fossil fuel uses. Energy should be affordable though and should be unregulated in the global market place through consumer based demand without governmental regulation or supplementation.

Where immigration is projected to come from or be based in 2050.

Africa/Middle East     +150%        (Because of population growth)
India/South Asia            +34%       (Because of population growth)
North America               +30%       (Because of current immigration policies)
China/Pacific Asia           +2%       (Because of going to a more service and tech economies)
Europe                             -13%       (Because of immigration policies and low population growth)
Russia/CIS                       -16%       (Because of immigration policies and low populations growth)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

What the Ethnic Makeup of the US Will Be in 2065

White         46%           -16%
Hispanic     24%           +6%
Black          14%           +2%
Asian          13%           +7%

Regional and Investment Sectors in 2016-2060 GNP Market Share

Emerging Markets (Africa, Middle East Latin America, Central Asia)         32%          +10%
China (Pacific Asia)                                                                                        26%            +9%     
India (South Asia)                                                                                           20%          +11%
North America                                                                                                 18%            -6%
EU                                                                                                                      4%            -8%

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

China, Law at Sea, India and South Asian Security, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, ISIS, TPP, NATO

China: We don not need no trade war with China. Your Social Security is based on 30 year bond debt. China owns a great portion of that. Most of the products made in China are sold in Walmart, Kmart and Target. Shop at a Dollar store, China. We do not need to disrupt a supply line that all Americans rely on and if not, you will learn the word inflation real quit and bitch about it. Bonds are being sold off at a fast pace, they are being dumped and this will effect Americans in interest rates for cars and housing. If we turn our back on globalization and free trade, jobs will not be created unless you can sell a product and a lot that is based on price. Remember, supply and demand and do not create scarcity. Word we have not heard since Nixon.

Laws at Sea: We need to negotiate with China in the shipping department. It is vital that international waters be treated as neutral zones in free trade and all shipping lanes be respected. China is just flexing it's muscle to say, see what I got in naval power. Hope so, because both sides of the world have lots to lose if not.

India and South Asia Security: India has always been neglected in South Asia by America and it is time this has changed. Pakistan has always been a pain, harboring Bin Laden, harboring the Taliban and threatening India with nuclear weapons. India has the people, the nuclear weapons and the educated population to become an economic force in the area. So wake up America and go with what the numbers say.

We do need to keep monitoring the Middle East and what is developing there. Russia and Iran has gained leverage a lot in the area. Russia now has an airbase there and is entrenched in Syria. We need to continue to support the rebels in the area, the fight against ISIS and the Kurds, which has been the greatest fighting force in the area against ISIS. Turkey will be a problem, after ISIS is gone. The Kurds have been fighting along side the US and Iraqi forces. Turkey need to cool its jets in the area.
Russia and Assad will be a problem and I do think Trump will change his tune on the matter, because Putin is a chess player and bull headed.

ISIS is simple. Should have been destroyed a long time ago. Although ISIS is a buffer zone between Turkey and the Kurds and might be preventing something worse to come. They have been degraded to a point that the end is near for them. I think that the Kurds and Iraq will end up fighting the Turks and Russia and Assad will want to kick the Kurds out of Syria in ground that they have gained during the war.

TPP: I see nothing wrong with any free trade agreements that open up the worldwide supply chain to the global consuming market place. Jobs will not increase unless people can buy things at discount stores and deal with inflation and high interest rates. You can deny it, but you did not live in the 70's when this was a serious problem with oil embargoes by pissing off other countries, especially through trade wars.

NATO: I do agree with Trump in one area. The US can not afford no longer to support countries in picking up most of the tab with military support and logistical support to our allies. There needs to be a consensus on cost and sharing the burden so we can keep more money here at home.

So what is we let countries spend more money on their militaries. In the process, maybe they will buy American weapons and create jobs here. We can and cannot afford no longer to be the world's police. We need to count on our military to protect the homeland and its interest, keep the supply chain and shipping lanes open. This goes for nukes too.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Increasing Number of Craft Whisky Distilleries in the World

2010     204
2011     280
2012     455
2013     656
2014     906
2015   1,163
2016   1,315

This is a trend set due to globalization of products and free trade.

Megacities to visit projected 2030

1. Tokyo
2. Delhi
3. Shanghai
4. Mumbai
5. Sao Paulo
6. Beijing
7. Osaka
8. New York
9. Dhaka
10. Buenos Aires
11. Manila
12. Guangzhou

Places With the Most Women

1. China          644m
2. India           592m
3. USA           157m
4. Indonesia    120m
5. Brazil            99m
6, Russia           76m
7. Bangladesh   74m
8. Mexico          65m

Jana Kramer - I Got The Boy (Official Music Video)

Kenny Chesney - No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems

Janis Joplin bitches about European audiences

Natalie Cole LIVE - Unforgettable

Friday, November 18, 2016

Top 20 Internet User Countries

China             721m
India              462m
USA              286m
Brazil            139m
Japan             115m
Russia           103m
Nigeria           97m
Indonesia       88m
Germany        71m
Mexico           69m
UK                 60m
France            55m
Philippines     54m
Bangladesh    53m
Vietnam         49m
Iran                 47m
South Korea   45m
Turkey            45m
Thailand         41m
Egypt              33m

Freedom Survey of Population That Say All 3 Freedoms Should be Allowed (Speech, Media, Internet) Regions

North America         69%
Latin America          67%
Europe                      61%
Middle East              45%
Asia Pacific              44%
Africa                       44%

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Projected Worldwide Economics 2015-2037 According to the Mathematical Rule of 47

There is a mathematical formula to predicting world economic growth by looking at the population growth of the world over past times. Below is a list of years and the population growth at that time.
It is known that a person will reach their peak spending at 47 years, in in doing so, if you subtract this you will see it on the chart. I.e, 1968 to parallel with 2015 and the world economic growth. Keep in mind, we are in a global economy now and will be so no matter how long people resist globalization. Unless we fall into a worldwide nationalistic state, than will lead to another world war, and most likely that will be our demise, unless we pull out and we will be back on the track to globalization again. This chart is based on world population and not just the USA. This is I am pro life, against birth control, wars, saving lives around the world, preventing senseless killing and worldwide disease. Every human is a part of worldwide growth and presents opportunity and possibilities to this world we live in. To the sides the world will see good growth in these periods.

1968-75m   2015
1969-75m   2016
1970-75m   2017
1971-76m   2018          (2018-2020) growth
1972-76m   2019
1973-76m   2020
1974-75m   2021          (2021-2024) recession
1975-75m   2022
1976-74m   2023
1977-74m   2024
1978-75m   2025          (2025-2035) growth
1979-79m   2026
1980-79m   2027
1981-80m   2028
1982-82m   2029
1984-87m   2030
1985-91m   2031
1986-92m   2032
1987-92m   2033
1988-90m   2034
1989-90m   2035
1990-88m   2036

You can use this to time your worldwide investments.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Estimated Political Beliefs in the US

Globalist           29%
Nationalist        25%
Socialist            23%
Conservative     13%
Libertarian          7%
Green                  2%

Free trade:          49%
None:                  48%

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Live 1989)

Fats Domino: My girl Josephine

Fats Domino - Walking To New Orleans


Fats Domino - I Want To Walk You Home (live appearance)

If the Election Was Held Today and These Candidate Ran, This Would be the Results

Got curious and did some estimated calculation in the 2016 Election. If Clinton would have ran as a Democrat globalist), Trump ran as a Republican (nationalist), Sander (independent Socialist), Cruz under the label (Conservative Party), Johnson as the Libertarian and Stein in the Green Party. This would have been the result. Take in account, all you seen most of the time on the media was Clinton and Trump. Don't get so hyped up on any one candidate. Take into account the money spent, these results are estimated of the primaries held in 2016.

Clinton         34% (Globalist)
Trump          22% (Nationalist)
Sanders        21% (Socialist)
Cruz             12% (Conservative)
Johnson          9% (Libertarian)
Stein               2% (Green) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer

Kodachrome - Paul Simon

The Temptations - My Girl

Bill Withers - Lean On Me

Stand By Me, Ben E King, 1961

Cant Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli and The 4 Seasons + lyrics

Big Girls Don't Cry - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons


The Four Seasons - Rag Doll

LEN BARRY - 1-2-3 - 1966

The Okinawan Diet, Just the Basics

Everyone knows that the Okinawan diet is the best, because they have most of the centurions in the world. Well, here are the basic foods they eat in all their meals.

Sweet potatoes
Goya melon
Noodle soups

World Transhumanism

The World Trans humanist Association says we will be on the brink of the beginning the transformation to trans humanistic future in 2019.

There will be barriers to this though and these will be religion and shedding off the old beliefs that hinder progress today. Racist organizations, nationalist, Christian right, Islam, radical Greens and family advocate soccer moms.

Biotechnology, nanotechnology and robotics will combine forces. It will be a big part of the medical fields in the future.

The big worry of all this is that it will interfere with the traditional family structure but this has been down through the ages has been changing, from the family that raised up the farm to the family with the computer, smart phones and all the other technologies that are being integrated into family life.

There now has been established a Trans humanists Law Network that will be the ACLU of trans humanism. This will fight for the progress of trans humanism progression.

The biggest thing that will advance trans humanistic policy forward, will be freeing up regulation of worldwide corporations, freeing up governments to working with corporation in a libertarian sense. Freeing up the market worldwide so consumers, supply and demand for trans humanistic transformation into societies and worldwide civilizations.

Globalization, free markets, multiculturalism, free thought, free spirit and free individual choice will all bring this forward into the 21st century. It is time for a new awakening.