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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Low Birth Rate Countries Needing Immigration for Economic Growth, Border Control and Balanced Immigration Policy, Ukraine, Solving It Diplomatically, An African Future

European Union needs immigration, but priorities should be women with children, fathers and the elderly. Immigration is for countries which cannot sustain a population that is need to sustain servicing and economy and its people. The overpopulation myth at it again. Americans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, the European Union, and Canada need immigration to sustain their social safety nets. All these countries have population decline which in the long term will hurt their economies. But it needs to be balanced, according to populations of other countries of who they are to let in, not just a free flow, or a majority from the Middle East and North Africa. That is our problem in the USA, there is a large imbalance of Latin American immigration into the US. I am for open borders, open trade, open society. The border should not be plugged up to where there are strict entry points.  The border patrol should be replaced by the "National Guard" delegated to the states that border Canada and Mexico. We now only have 5,000 covering the whole border. The other option is the National Guard, which should stay in the country and not be deployed. That is what the army reserves and regular armed forces are for.

Ukraine: Why can't there just be elections in the provinces to decide for themselves if they want to be ruled by Ukrainian or Russian jurisdiction? Secretary of State Pompeo could mediate this with Putin. End the conflict through diplomatic channels with Russia lets say in Vienna, Austria, If there can be no compromise, then arm the Ukrainians matching arms to arms with what Russia is applying or using NATO troops. Both can happen at the same time. Russia continues to want to control the gas going into the EU.

African Summit: Good idea! Africa has abundant resources to be exploited, young people willing to work and get out of their poverty their in. The problem with Africa's is corruption, Islamic extremist and infrastructure. Prop up governments that are economically sound. More attention should be given to Africa as a whole. It is not how much food you give to people, it is the building of infrastructure, foreign aid, giving them tools and teachings to creating modern civilizations. The African Union may have to help in maintaining and fighting to oppose ISIS, extreme Muslim groups, political corruption and rogue militias from interruption of the economic and public reforms to carry these countries forward.

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