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Monday, September 22, 2014

Foreign and Economic Policies, Asia, Russia, Africa, EU, South Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Africa, Latin America, Oceania

Foreign Policy World View:

China is still taunting on the high seas. That's why the USA needs to re-think its naval power in the Pacific. When we gave up Subic, we gave up a strategic advantage, now we are tied down to only using Japan, South Korea, Guam, and Australia. China is ever becoming a superpower. Taiwan is not worth a world war, but now if a war did start it would be over the South China Sea. Most world commerce shipping and product flow come from China and China have a good consumer base for the US to take advantage of. Let it flow with China through diplomacy. We don't need tariffs on Chinese goods, for all it has done is stagnated the global economy.

Russia is flexing its Cold Warhead again with Putin in power. He just wants a grand Russia again. We must tread lightly in Syria and Ukraine. War with China would be one thing, war with Russia the other and both are assigned. Russia has a population problem though with not enough young people to fill the ranks to fill a war machine, so are now relying on bigger bang for the buck, a nuclear, more capable arsenal. So Russia is in the future is not a bigger threat than China, except for nuclear weapons and we should be in the US should counter with nuclear thwarting weapons and technologies.

The EU is dealing with the same problem when it comes to population deficit, due to population policies, anti-immigration policy, and pro-choice population policy. Serious adjustment is needed for Russia and the EU to have a future, it must increase its immigration and get away from population controls, outlaw abortion and bring in more immigration in order to survive the next century, in saying this, not a flood of Muslims but some, more a diverse mix through vetting and applications from other countries. Priority being women, children and the elderly.

The EU needs to form its own military block to deter Russia as one armed force.

Africa is having its difficulties. Africa needs infrastructure, rule of law to stamp out corruption and an end to Islamic extremism. The population rate in Africa is one of the highest of all continents, thus meaning the next labor pool to take advantage of for manufacturing of cost-efficient labor and products for the worldwide free market. This will happen when China becomes more of a service and technology orientated economy. The opportunities are unlimited for investors and multinational corporations. China is already laying the economic groundwork with African countries if only America could get past its color blindness.

South Asia: Many people such as the African continent. The big sticky wicked is India and Pakistan, with their nuclear weapons and religious divides, being Muslim and Hindu, differences over the water right too. Bangladesh speaks for itself, Muslim, but not as radical as Pakistan. Afghanistan is important to monitor for the US because India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and a Taliban influence in Pakistan.  The last thing we need is the Taliban, Al Queda, ISIS and other terror groups getting nuclear weapons in their hands. India would get involved w/o US influence if Pakistani things changed for the worst. China backs Pakistan in weapons sales and economically.  The South Asian area still has great economic potential but is threatened by the heightened problems of Pakistan with elements of the Taliban in Pakistan. Also, the future Silk road being built by China that will run through it.

The Middle East and North Africa: Iraq, Syria, and Yemen need to be stabilized for its oil potential. This means removing ISIS, actually, any Islamic extremist organization and any other terrorist threats that would affect any economic flow, mostly gas and oil. A coalition would be the simplest. The US is putting together an example which would be in the neighborhood (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Turkey) with others being supportive in their efforts.  Again, Afghanistan needs to be maintained and stabilized because of the threat of it infecting Pakistan and India as far as Islamic extremism. We should have never pulled troops out under the Obama Administration. We need to support India or it will have its own ideas with stabilizing that region. Actually, we should be supporting and getting more friendly with India to counteract extremist and Chinese influence taking hold in Pakistan.

Latin America: It is one of the few regions that US policy has worked thanks in part to the Reagan administration. Majority Catholic, its in harmony with its self. Expect big things economically with, Latin America, and the islands. The main problems are we need to bring forth a free trade economic block throughout the Americas, ending the drug wars, fueling the Mexican cartels and the Central American gang disease and why they are fleeing their countries. Legalize drugs and get rid of the profits of the cartels and gangs. Us being the biggest illegal drug consumers, we are fueling this fire.

Oceana; Australia has great natural resources but its labor force is expensive. This is where stabilizing Africa is essential to the world's hunger for natural resources.

North America: We will always adapt to the ever-changing world and be involved because all Americans are connected to the world like it or not. Every little foreign event effects how much you pay for items, the supply flow of supply and demand for products and your lively hood. To be engaged and supportive of the people in other countries that make the products we use every day. You shop at Walmart, Kmart, Target? Most of the products come from 3rd world nations and labor pools unless you like inflation, high interest rates, and scarcity. I remember the 1970's., do you?

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