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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Afghanistan Peace Talks, Afghanistan's Resources, America's Sacrifice, Taliban, Russia, Russian Mafia, Military Complex, Terrorism, Natural Gas

Afghanistan is known to have a vast quantity of opium, lithium and natural gas. Why are we there?
For good reason, opening the pipeline for cheaper products to the worldwide market of consumers. Opium is used for killing pain, people are getting older, pain is growing. Lithium is used in the next generation of cars, lithium batteries. For us to pull out of Afghanistan according to the Russian peace talks which have been agreed to by all parties in the talks, except for the United States participation would be a mistake. Russia, the Russian Mafia would take advantage of the opium trade and promote the Taliban which is guarding it and the vast amount of resources there that Russian oligarchs would take advantage of. We have sacrificed a lot of our resources there just to walk away, it is like we did Russia a favor.

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