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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Globalization, Nationalism, Protectionism, Isolationism, Population Growth, Deregulation, Policing the World for Democracy, Borders, Root of Evil

The world is global, though some try to ignore it, protest it, their called nationalist, protectionist, isolationist Trump is not, for he has businesses all around the world and wants tariffs down to zero around the world. They think we, the Americans are the only ones that are around. News: There are 7.8 billion on the planet earth. Read "The Clash of Civilizations. The world order is not a conspiracy of a secret society, but a world marketplace according to the consumers of the world and we are all connected to it. Read the "The World Is Flat".

Population Growth: Let it grow. Global warming is not such a big deal or now climate change. For every person born becomes a consumer, generates money, which generates jobs, demand. Are we going to be a Germany, Japan, Russia and have all old people, no social security, no one to care for the old, the social system will break? This concept is also true when a country becomes nationalist, one thing to be nationalist, but it has to repopulate, for some areas like Europe, North America, Russia, and Japan, will half to take in immigration in order to compete with other countries

Deregulation: There are certain industries that need to be deregulated to give consumers worldwide a variety of choices and competitive prices. Healthcare, energy, and education. Healthcare needs to integrate western medicine with eastern medicine, become more deregulated for the consumer to be able to obtain drugs from other countries, allow more all that have the desire and drive to further their educations. I wonder, with the Internet, and with a 10th-grade education, does one need to further their education, given the fact that they only need to learn research, reasoning, logic and critical thinking skills. On energy, the energy market should be driven by consumer demand, nonsubsidized energy sectors, and let consumer-driven free markets regulate the supply and demand through prices of the industries. Global free markets.

The world should be policed, but jointly from terrorism, tyrants, extremist, Nazis, Fascisms, and unauthorized invasions that go against the norms of the international community, through coalitions, and the United Nations collectively. Coalitions of the policing force should be done within the region and neighboring countries, and those neighboring countries within the region of the crisis.

The Border: National Guard stands for National (domestic army) Guard (security). Get rid of the US border patrol and let the National Guard take control of the borders and they'll do it in numbers. There should have been a border a long time ago, but the Mexican Cartels have had a big influence in it happening, for it would interfere with their illegal drug transportation, smuggling of drugs using Central American migrants, not all, but the majority in gangs that answer to the Mexican Cartels and the lucrative trade of human trafficking. But in saying that, we should let the women, children and older people that are trying to escape gangs that have ravaged the countries of Central American countries in which has been fed by the promoted drug war of the United States and the appetite that drug users have of the illegal drugs being demanded. Prohibition of drugs creates profit for the Mexican Cartel through the drug wars, and if it was through a more restrictive border, Both sides of the coin make a profit, Law Inc, DEA Inc, Private Prisons Inc and Detention Centers. Like the military complex, can't make money without war. We in this country feed this problem with the appetite for illegal drugs and the appetite for oil, both addictions, we are the pawns.

The Root of All Evil: Is money, power, religion being used to hide what is really the reason or goal in obtaining power, controls, resources being extracted. Big vein of lithium in Afghanistan, African diamonds, and gold, Middle Eastern oil, wars to feed the military complex and keeping Islam in check, Christianities competition. The dollar is tied to oil, too much oil is not good for the dollar as price and too less is not good for the world economies, keeping the dollar steady and overpowering other currencies is the goal of the neoconservatives. Neoliberalism tends to have free-market blocks with very little conflict or war but driven by consumerism, supply, and demand.

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