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Friday, October 11, 2019

Some interesting facts, iodine, iron, calcium, soy, fish oil, and garlic

Some interesting facts, iodine, iron, calcium, soy, fish oil, and garlic

The Japanese live longer than any other people in the world. Their diet consists of  3 times more iodine than the American diet. They like sex, very discipline but very open-minded. They take in a lot of soy, in turn, Vitamin E and fish oil, in their diets. Seaweed is the big part of the iodine, Think of this, they have been through 2 nuclear bombs and Fukushima, but still, outlive everyone else in the world. There is a tree, called the ginkgo tree, after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions, the only tree standing was the gingko tree, still living. Fish oil, vitamin E, garlic oil are all-natural blood thinners, doctors will not tell you this.

In the American diet, they do not put iodine in the salts anymore, especially if you eat out. Very few people have knowledge of iodines benefit to the body. Iron is not put in many elderly vitamin supplements, iron filters the blood like it does the ocean, all minerals in your body have the same content as seawater, especially trace minerals, in which Himalayan pink salt has 84 different trace minerals in it. In cancerous tumors, large amounts of iron have been found fighting cancer cells, without iron, vitamin C does not work.

In all cancer autopsies, it has also been found that all are too acidic, meaning you should do everything you can to get a balanced alkaline, ie anti-acids, calcium, a trace mineral, salt, etc

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