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Friday, October 25, 2019

The 7 Deadly Sins, by Religion or Majority

The one who seeks popularity may not Ascend into Heaven... Pride is the gateway to all other deadly sins: 7 Deadly Sins; (1) Lust Dictionary definition: "intense or unbridled sexual desire" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: lust as sexual desire; secondarily, lust as the desire for other things like money and power (2) Gluttony Dictionary definition: "excess in eating or drinking" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: an emphasis on over-indulgence, stress on lacking trust for future provisions, stress on taking from those in need, especially the hungry (3) Greed Dictionary definition: "a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: excess, stress on lack of trust for future provisions, stress on taking from those in need, especially the poor. (4) Sloth Dictionary definition: "disinclination to action or labor" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: laziness, primarily spiritual (i.e. lack of spiritual maturity, growth development); secondarily, physical laziness; spiritual laziness considered a rejection of God's grace (5) Wrath Dictionary definition: "strong vengeful anger" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: out-of-control anger inside is fueled by hate, outside is manifested through verbal and/or physical violence (6) Envy Dictionary definition: "painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: excess, jealousy over a range of issue like materialism and sexual desire (7) Pride Dictionary definition: "inordinate self-esteem" (Merriam-Webster) Elements often included in the theological definition: the chief sin from which others are generated, the sin that occurred in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer's sin In this intriguing series, HISTORY™ examines the impact of the seven deadly sins on mankind throughout the ages. We learn how the concept originated—as a way to keep a lustful fourth-century monk from sinning again—and how they were pared down from eight to the seven we recognize today: gluttony, lust, greed, anger, sloth, envy, and pride. For the Catholic faithful they became a guide on the path to heaven. To repeat offenders, they promised damnation in Hell and very specific, very gruesome punishments. Gluttons, for instance, would be force-fed rats, toads and snakes. The warnings couldn't be clearer: Succumb to any of the seven deadly sins and God's judgment will be severe.

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