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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Negative interest rates, the UK in decline, Taliban not being defeated, the firing of Bolton, prison wages-slaves, USA-highest prison incarceration, and the 13th Amendment, high rate of prisoner recycling, hurricanes and lack of US preparation, parallels of the UK and the USA, healthcare being destroyed by Conservatives, Corporations need for immigration and being global, American and Chinese economic warfare, Chinese sharing their market in exchange for technology, growth USA 2-3% and China 6-8%, a Case Theory in History, Chinese wages increases 4x in 30 years, USA flat, solar from China, China invest 3x more in education than the USA, Chinese accumulation of dollars and the US Treasuries, American isolationism and protectionism, Capitalism is unstable, Trump pushing back recession before the election in 2020, Chinese demand for soybeans and Brazilian burning down the Amazon created by the tariffs on China.

Negative interest rates, the UK in decline, Taliban not being defeated, the firing of Bolton, prison wages-slaves, USA-highest prison incarceration, and the 13th Amendment, high rate of prisoner recycling, hurricanes and lack of US preparation, parallels of the UK and the USA, healthcare being destroyed by Conservatives, Corporations need for immigration and being global, American and Chinese economic warfare, Chinese sharing their market in exchange for technology, growth USA 2-3% and China 6-8%, a Case Theory in History, Chinese wages increases 4x in 30 years, USA flat, solar from China, China invest 3x more in education than the USA, Chinese accumulation of dollars and the US Treasuries, American isolationism and protectionism, Capitalism is unstable, Trump pushing back recession before the election in 2020, Chinese demand for soybeans and Brazilian burning down the Amazon created by the tariffs on China


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