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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Global Human Trafficking The Numbers

A Global Problem:

According to a September 2017 report from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Walk Free Foundation:
  • An estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in state-imposed forced labor.
  • Forced labor takes place in many different industries. Of the 16 million trafficking victims exploited for labor
  • 7.5 million (47%) forced labor victims to work in construction, manufacturing, mining, or hospitality
  • 3.8 million (24%) forced labor victims are domestic workers
  • 1.7 million (11%) forced labor victims to work in agriculture 
  • 71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls and 29% are men and boys.
  • 15.4 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 5.5 million (25%).
  • The Asia-pacific region accounts for the largest number of forced laborers— 15.4 million (62% of the global total). Africa has 5.7 million (23%) followed by Europe and Central Asia with 2.2 million (9%). The Americas account for 1.2 million (5%) and the Arab States account for 1% of all victims. 
  • Human trafficking does not always involve travel to the destination of exploitation: 2.2 million (14%) of victims of forced labor moved either internally or internationally, while 3.5 million (74%) of victims of sexual exploitation were living outside their country of residence.
  • Victims spend an average of 20 months in forced labor, although this varied with different forms of forced labor.

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