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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Real Leaders Do and Your Journey

What Real leaders do:
  • They learn lessons in real life, using the past as a reference, learning the now and the purpose of one being where they are, which is not coincidental. Live and do the best for them now, and plan from the past mistakes and what is happening now in what you are learning. Remember, toxic people, con artist, users, fanatics and extremist in any form can sidetrack you or knock you off course
  • They listen. Listen to people, but filter out what is bogus in your mind and don't be conned or used for their benefit. Being self-taught, now with the internet and information that is available. Being analytical, researching and knowing where to get the information is critical. Use your diplomatic skill, reason, logic and above all be calculating. 
  • They ask questions. There is never a dumb question, question more, don't become a sheep, follower, bowl before those because you are desperate. Remember change is good, but some people do not like change and will do anything to keep things the way they are, conservatives, monopolizers, control freaks, fanatics, extremist will do anything to keep things the way they are. Your adaptability, flexibility, and being able to change according to reason, logic, research, information can make it easier to calculate the next move.
  • They encourage, motivate. They don't dictate, become authoritarian, con, radicalize you because then you should not be an easy person to sway because of your journey being more important than them. Be your own person with what you want out of life because most likely you will excel in that direction and not be slowed down.

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