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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fastest Growing Crime No One Is Talking About

Trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing crime. Yearly $150 billion is earned through trafficking in the entire trafficking business. On a global scale, child trafficking has not been eliminated in a single country. There are a total of 21 million victims of which 29% consist of men and boys, and 71% consist of women and girls. Unfortunately, the number of children who are victimized by child trafficking is higher than 8 million meaning they form one-third of the people affected by this. The children who are mainly affected come from countries where poverty is taking over their lives. Their parents will be unable to take proper care of them due to lack of in-home resources caused by an insufficient income. The children end up taking care of themselves and are found on the street by traffickers who lure them into jobs guaranteeing them with a future that will eventually never be given to them leading to them forcefully having to do other jobs. A total of 54% end up in sexual exploitation, 38% in forced labor, and the final 8% are being trafficked in other ways, such as organ trafficking. 

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