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Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Top 10 Benefits of Flex Seed Oil - Flax Seed Oil & The Benefits of Omeg...

Top 10 Benefits of Flex Seed Oil - Flax Seed Oil & The Benefits of Omeg...

Countries with the People Living with HIV

South Africa6,070,800
United States1,200,000

Top HIV Cities in the USA

1. Baton Rouge, LA
2. Miami,  FL
3, New Orleans, LA
4, Jackson, MS
5, Orlando, FL
6. Memphis, TN
7. Atlanta, GA
8, Colombus, SC
9, Jacksonville, FL
10. Baltimore, MD

Here's Why China Is Killing The Global Recycling Industry

Petro Dollar and the Yuan and Why We Need to Get Off Oil

1. The petrodollar refers to the agreement, born in 1973, between the United States and the oil-producing countries of the Middle East -- collectively referred to as OPEC -- to denominate their international oil transactions in US dollars. 2. Furthermore, the OPEC countries would take the surplus dollars they've acquired via oil exports and invest them in US Treasuries. 3. Denominating transactions in US dollars, and recycling dollars into US Treasury bonds, created ongoing demand for US dollars. This was meant to replace the demand for US dollars that was lost when the US abandoned the peg from the dollar to gold. Creating the petrodollar thus re-stabilized the dollar as the world reserve currency, and allowed the US economy to continue functioning as an import-driven economy focused heavily on financial services (i.e. selling US Treasury bonds and related financial assets). 4. In exchange for OPEC nations agreeing to denominate in dollars and recycle into US Treasuries, the US agreed to provide military support to OPEC nations. 5. Over the years, political leaders that have threatened to denominate oil transactions in other currencies have faced US military intervention; the two most notable examples include Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Omar Gaddafi of Libya. 6. In recent years, China has become a major oil importer, and Russia has become a major oil exporter. As oil exports have increasingly occurred outside of OPEC nations, oil transactions have increasingly escaped the petrodollar agreement, and have been priced in yuan. Thus, the petrodollar is increasingly being displaced by the petroyuan. 7. Moreover, the decline in oil prices has resulted in fewer dollars available for OPEC nations to recycle into US Treasuries. 8. Is the petrodollar system dying? If so, will it result in a long-term devaluation in the US dollar? Will the long-term trend of a falling US dollar/Chinese yuan exchange rate continue? Will the US transition from being import-driven and financialized to becoming more export-oriented and with a focus on other industries? These are questions being asked by those who think a major transition away from the petrodollar is in progress.

Introduction to the Petrodollar and How Its Changes Could Impact Financi...

"Moments to Remember" by The Four Lads - 1955

"If We Don't Protect Nature We Can't Protect Ourselves" Harrison Ford | ...

What Real Leaders Do and Your Journey

What Real leaders do:
  • They learn lessons in real life, using the past as a reference, learning the now and the purpose of one being where they are, which is not coincidental. Live and do the best for them now, and plan from the past mistakes and what is happening now in what you are learning. Remember, toxic people, con artist, users, fanatics and extremist in any form can sidetrack you or knock you off course
  • They listen. Listen to people, but filter out what is bogus in your mind and don't be conned or used for their benefit. Being self-taught, now with the internet and information that is available. Being analytical, researching and knowing where to get the information is critical. Use your diplomatic skill, reason, logic and above all be calculating. 
  • They ask questions. There is never a dumb question, question more, don't become a sheep, follower, bowl before those because you are desperate. Remember change is good, but some people do not like change and will do anything to keep things the way they are, conservatives, monopolizers, control freaks, fanatics, extremist will do anything to keep things the way they are. Your adaptability, flexibility, and being able to change according to reason, logic, research, information can make it easier to calculate the next move.
  • They encourage, motivate. They don't dictate, become authoritarian, con, radicalize you because then you should not be an easy person to sway because of your journey being more important than them. Be your own person with what you want out of life because most likely you will excel in that direction and not be slowed down.

Shirley Lites - Heat You Up (Melt You Down) (Rework Voodoo Doughunts Red...

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nat King Cole - A Blossom Fell

Art Mooney Honey Babe

NEW HEMP & CBD LAWS for 2019

Tennessee Ernie Ford: The Ballad Of Davy Crockett

The REAL Reason Cannabis Was Prohibited!

Ginseng Benefits for Lower Stress, Better Mood and Beyond

Boost longevity with this herb

The Future Farming Technology - Geographic History

Big Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You to Watch This Video and Neit...

Why is Big Pharma Increasing Your Medicine Prices?

Petroleum - summary of the modern history of oil

How soon could electric vehicles growth hit the oil sector?

How Rockefeller Built His Trillion Dollar Oil Empire

Top of Pyramid - Oil - Military Industrial Complex - (Big Pharma - Big A...

SHOCK: CNN Host Directly Calls Out Military Industrial Compex

Understand Socialism, Communism, Fascism, & Nazism in 15 Minutes (Part II)

Understand Socialism, Communism, Fascism, & Nazism in 15 Minutes (Part II)

Understand Socialism, Communism, Fascism, & Nazism in 15 Minutes (Part I)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Squeeze Tempted on Sunday Night

Top Oil Reserves % by Countries 2019

1. Venezuela             18%
2. Saudi Arabia         16%
3. Canada                  10%
4. Iran                         9%
5. Iraq                         9%
6. Kuwait                    6%
7. UAE                        6%
8. Russia                     6%
9. Libya                       5%
10. USA                       3%
11. Nigeria                   2%
12. Kazachistan           2%
13. Qatar                     2%
14. China                    1%
15. Algeria                  1%
16. Mexico                  1%
17. Brazil                     1%
18. Angola                   1%


Its A Long Way Back to Nashville

Korean firms seek to expand trade with Southeast Asian nations

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Our Love for Country Unites Us

Patriotic Singing Group Responds to Trump’s “Go Back to Your Country” Co...

What I'd Say - Earl Thomas Conley - Live

OK Go - Here It Goes Again Live on Carson Daly

Jon Stewart gives MUST-WATCH speech after his bill is passed

Jon Stewart gives MUST-WATCH speech after his bill is passed

Trump Plans To Rob Millions Of His Voters

Join me

Deftones - Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) (Video)

The Coasters - Rock 'N' Roll

George Carlin America was founded on a double standard

Trump is no saint, so why do Evangelicals remain so committed to him?

New Rule: Bible Trumpers | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Trump's mother, two wives born out of the U.S., the hypocricy of it all

This is Trump's Illegal Mother

Monday, July 22, 2019

No Doubt - Hey Baby (Official Music Video)

Minneapolis Muslims: Sharia law better than American laws

Minneapolis Muslims: Sharia law better than American laws

Andrew Yang for President and the Reasoning for the Universal Basic Income You Need

When you think of Andrew Yang, his $12,000 a year UBI he wants to give you like extra income, no matter what your status, being retired on Social Security, Retired Military, on welfare, disabled, unemployed, working, etc, you should think about supporting and voting for him, because did not we bail out Corporate America, and Big Banks, Big Insurance companies and not the common human being in America in 2008. Think. How about paying for the Big Oil, Big Pharma and the MIlitary Industrial Com[plex Wars? So really think!

233 Representative Who Voted to Steal $2,9 Trillion in Social Security Surplus From Your Future, Majority Are Republicans Retirement

The war in Yemen explained: Planet America

Sunday, July 21, 2019

TOP 10 Cities With The Highest HIV Rates 2018

Countries with the Most Immigrants and Migrants

Migration provides best opportunities for people to embrace and integrate in each other culture and can dramatically improve this economic growth of host country. Many factors contribute to make countries to be called “immigrant nations”, most countries aiming to bring in more highly-skilled workers such as labor market  of Gulf states demand skilled immigrant, similarly education sector demands injection of talented foreign students to earn instant foreign reserves and increasing human capital in a long run. Most migrants are forced to say goodbye to their homeland due to war, famine, poverty or a lack of sexual, political or personal freedom. Better education systems, employment opportunities, cultural richness and welfare programmes also serve as great magnet to attract people from around the world.
Today, there are about 232 million international immigrants in the world, and that number is increasing every year. As per United Nations report, 3.2 percent of the world’s population lived in a country other than the one in which they were born. According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the number of new asylum seekers rose by 46 percent in 2014 and is expected to climb even higher in 2015.
United States, often described as a nation of immigrants, has 14.3 percent of the population who was born outside of the country but still far behind United Arab Emirates, American Samoa and Qatar which took the most immigrants where over 70 percent of the population was born abroad.
Approximately half of all the world’s migrants reside in just ten countries; of course, many of these nations are among the most populous in the world.  Here are ten countries which remain the most popular destinations for migrants in the world.
4Saudi Arabia9.1
5United Arab Emirates7.8
6United Kingdom7.8

Fastest Growing Crime No One Is Talking About

Trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing crime. Yearly $150 billion is earned through trafficking in the entire trafficking business. On a global scale, child trafficking has not been eliminated in a single country. There are a total of 21 million victims of which 29% consist of men and boys, and 71% consist of women and girls. Unfortunately, the number of children who are victimized by child trafficking is higher than 8 million meaning they form one-third of the people affected by this. The children who are mainly affected come from countries where poverty is taking over their lives. Their parents will be unable to take proper care of them due to lack of in-home resources caused by an insufficient income. The children end up taking care of themselves and are found on the street by traffickers who lure them into jobs guaranteeing them with a future that will eventually never be given to them leading to them forcefully having to do other jobs. A total of 54% end up in sexual exploitation, 38% in forced labor, and the final 8% are being trafficked in other ways, such as organ trafficking. 

Top 10 Countries for Prostitution 2019

1. Venezuela
2. Cambodia
3, Thailand
4. Netherlands
5. Philippines
6. Germany
7. Colombia
8. Spain
9. Brazil
10. Peru

Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn (Official Video)

Trump Attacks Dems, Crowd Makes 'Send Her Back!' The New 'Lock Her Up!' ...

The Cure - Friday I'm In Love

The Cure - Friday I'm In Love

George Carlin - "Racism"

Breaking down the Trump tweets critics are calling racist

Tal Bachman - She's So High

Drug War's Racist Roots? - Ethan Nadelmann

Opioids: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Legal Weed Hurting Profits For Big Pharma Opioid Dealers

BIG PHARMA - Dr Bruce Lipton

Deadly Fentanyl Infiltrating American Prescription Pills - DEA

George Carlin: A view words on patriotism and national pride.

George Carlin - Arrogance of mankind

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Outlaws Prayer

"The Outlaw's Prayer"

You know, I worked the Big Packet show in Fort Worth, Saturday night
We had all day Sunday to rest and relax, before I caught another flight
So I decided to walk down town an' get myself a little fresh air
Before long, I found myself in front of a big church on the corner of the square

Boy, I could hear that singin' way out in the street, sure was a beautiful sound
So I just walked up the steps an' opened the door an' started to go inside an' sit down
But before I could, a young man walked over to me an said: Excuse me, Sir
But I can't let you in with that big black hat, those jeans, that beard an' long hair

So I just left, went back outside, sat down on that kerbing, an I thought to myself
That's the house of the Lord. That guy's got the hell of a nerve
Tellin' me I can't worship anywhere I please
So right there, in front of that Church, I just knelt down on my knees

I said: Lord, I know I don't look like much, but I didn't think you'd mind
I just wanted to be with your people, Lord: it's been a long time
A while ago, a saw a wino over there in the alley, all bent over in tears
An' I thought how one stained glass window, from this Church, would feed his family for years

Then there's those fine cars parked outside: too many for me to count
Made me think how people walked for days to hear your sermon on the mount
Then there's those fine ladies in the choir, Lord, singin' like they really love it
Hell, last night, they were dancin' on the front row of my show: drinkin' beer, screamin: 'Sing Shove It'

You know, even John the Baptist wouldn't be welcome in this place
With his coat made of Camel hair an' sandals on his feet an' a long beard on his face
You know, Lord, when you come back to get your children, an' take 'em beyond the clouds
To live forever in Heaven with you: well, I'd sure hate to be in this crowd

You know, Lord, I'm not perfect; some even call me no count
But I'll tell you: I believe a man is judged by what's in his heart, not what's in his bank account
So if this is what religion is: a big car, a suit an' a tie
Then I might as well forget it Lord, 'cause I can't qualify

Oh, by the way, Lord, right before they kicked me out, didn't I see a picture of you?
With sandals an' a beard. Believe you had long hair too
Well, this is Paycheck, signing off
I'll be seein' you Lord, I hope

Me and Jesus Got Our Own Thing Going

"Me And Jesus"

I knew a man, that once was a sinner
I knew a man, that once was a drunk
I knew a man, that once was a loser
He went out in the woods and made an altar out of a stump

And me and Jesus got our own thing going
Me and Jesus got it all worked out
Me and Jesus got our own thing going
And we don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about

We can't afford no fancy preaching
We can't afford no fancy church
We can't afford no fancy singing
But don't you know God's got a lot of good people out doing his work

And me and Jesus got our own thing going
Me and Jesus got it all worked out
Me and Jesus got our own thing going
And we don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about

Me and Jesus got our own thing going
Me and Jesus got it all worked out
Me and Jesus got our own thing going
And we don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about

The Lord Knows I'm Drinking

Hello Mrs Johnson, you self righteous woman
Sunday school teacher, what brings you out slummin'
Do you reckon the preacher would approve where you are
Standin' here, visitin' with a back-slidin' Christian in a neighborhood bar

Well, yes, that's my bottle and yes, that's my glass
And I see you're eyeballin', this pretty young lass
It ain't none of your business but yes, she's with me
And we don't need no sermon, you self-righteous woman just let us be

The Lord knows I'm drinkin' and runnin' around
And He don't need your loud mouth informin' the town
The Lord knows I'm sinnin' and sinnin' ain't right
But me and the good Lord's gonna have us a good talk later tonight

Goodbye, Mrs.Johnson, you self-righteous biddy
I don't need your preachin' and I don't need your pity
So, go back to whatever, you hypocrites do
And when I talk to Heaven, be nice and I'll put in a good word for you

The Lord knows I'm drinkin' and runnin' around
And He don't need your loud mouth informin' the town
The Lord knows I'm sinnin' and sinnin' ain't right
But me and the good Lord's gonna have us a good talk later tonight

New Rule: Trump and the Long Con | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

in living color - Best of Ed Cash and Carl Pathos(Damon Wayans and Jim C...

John Oliver's Church: Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption - Final Update

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Family Separation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance

Trump's mother, two wives born out of the U.S.

Why Is Country Music So White? | Between The Lines

AOC, Omar, Tlaib, & Pressley Speak Out Against Trump | NowThis

Tom Petty - Breakdown - Hit The Road Jack

Blake Shelton - Lonely Tonight (ft. Ashley Monroe) (Official Music Video)

Blake Shelton - Lonely Tonight (ft. Ashley Monroe) (Official Music Video)

Sunny Sweeney - From A Table Away

Sunny Sweeney - From A Table Away

Maggie Rogers - Light On (Official Video)

James Taylor - How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You) (from Pull Over)

Jack Greene - Statue Of A Fool

Be a Simple Kind of Man

Now I'm Paying for the Days of Wine and Roses

The 2008 Financial Crisis: Crash Course Economics #12

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Band, The Weight

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2019

Can climate change cause war?

IMF's Christine Lagarde On Global Growth, Trade Wars And Looming Deficit...

IMF cuts its 2019 global growth outlook

Top World Regional Growth by Regions 2020-2050 in Trillions $

1. East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Russia)             +62 trillion 
2. South Asia                                                            +50 trillion
3. SE Asia                                                                 +34 trillion
4, North America                                                      +31 trillion
5, South America                                                      +29 trillion
6. Europe                                                                  +25 trillion
7. Middle East/North Africa                                     +22 trillion
8. Subsaharian Africa                                               +15 trillion
9. Russia                                                                     +7 trillion
10. Oceania                                                                 +5 trillion                                                   

Top 30 Fastest Growing Economies in Trillions of $ 2020-2050

Top 30 Fastest-Growing Economies in Trillions of $ 2020-2050

1, China               +46 trillion
2. India                +36 trillion
3. USA                +26 trillion
4. Indoneisia       +12 trillion
5. Brazil               +8 trillion
6. Nigeria             +8 trillion
7. Mexico             +7 trillion
8. Russia               +7 trillion
9. Saudi Arabia     +6 trillion
10. Turkey            +6 trillion
11. Pakistan          +6 trillion
12. Eygpt              +6 trillion
13. Philippines      +6 trillion
14. Germany         +5 trillion
15. UK                  +5 trillion
16. France             +5 trillion
17. Canada            +5 trillion
18. Korea              +5 trillion
19. Thailand          +5 trillion
20. Vietnam           +5 trillion
21. Bangladesh      +5 trillion
22. Malaysia          +5 trillion
23. South Africa    +5 trillion
24. Spain                +4 trillion
25. Australia          +4 trillion
26. Colombia         +4 trillion
27. Argentina         +4 trillion
29. Iran                   +3 trillion
30. Poland              +3 trillion

Top 15 Cities Men Visit Looking for Women

1. Cambridge, UK
2. Paris, France
3. Montgomery, USA (Alabama)
4. Tokyo, Japan
5. Macao, China
6. Cape Arge, France
7. Amsterdam, Netherlands
8. New York, USA
9. Ottawa, Canada
10. Athens, Greece
11. Pattaya, Thailand
12. Berkley, USA
13. Toronto, Canada
14. Portland, OR, USA
15. Carlisle, France

Top 10 World Cities Where Women Are Most Sexually Active

1. London, UK
2. Paris, France
3. Auckland, Australia
4, Los Angeles, USA
5, Chicago, Illinois
6. Austin, USA (Texas)
7. Brussels, Belgium
8. Basel, Switzerland
9. Liverpool, UK
10. Geneva, Switzerland 

Top 11 Most Sexually Active Cities in America

1. Denver, Colorado
2. Portland, Oregon
3. Ann Arbor, Michigan
4. San Antonio, Texas
5. Boise, Idaho
6. Seattle, Washington
7. Washington DC
8. Alexandria, Virginia
9. Salt Lake, Utah
10. Cincinnati, Ohio
11. Cambridge, Massachusets

Top 15 Countries Where Older Men Seek Younger Women to Marry

1. Thailand
2. Romania
3. Spain
4. Mexico
5. Philippines
6. Japan
7. Ukraine
8. Russia
9. Brazil
10. Bulgaria
11. China
12, Taiwan
13. Indonesia
14. Vietnam
15. Cambodia

Top 12 Sin Cities in the World

1. Monaco, France
2. Moscow, Russia
3, Berlin, Germany
4, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
5. Manama, Bahrain
6. Macau, China
7. Montreal, Canada
8. New Orleans, USA
9. Tijuana, Mexico
10, Amsterdam, Netherlands
11. Bangkok, Thailand
12. Las Vegas, USA

Top Countries Where Marijuana is Legal/Partially Legal

Czech Republic
North Korea

Countries with the Youngest Populations in the World

Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
Timor Leste

Top Countries with the Highest Female Sex Drives

South Africa
Czech Republic

The Battle of The Queen Bees - FULL VIDEO

Diabetes and Alternatives to Cure w/o Big Pharma, High Blood Pressure, Blood Thinners, Memory, Aging, Energy, Insulin Resistance, Sex Drive, Weight Loss

I have diabetes, have not been taking my insulin or metformin. What I have been taking is supplementation to it. There are two types of medicines in this world, western monopolizing the process and then there is Eastern medicine. The supplements that I have been taking to maintain my glucose levels are the following, give it a try, especially when you can't afford the high prices of Big Pharma.

Iodine: The Japanese intake 5X the amount of iodine in their diets compared to the rest of the world.
it is needed for the thyroid to make the hormone for it. Hypothyroid can memic diabetes in many ways. It might not be diabetes. The Japanese have very very good metabolism when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, I have dropped 40 pounds since uping my iodine intake. You can get it through the salt you eat, that has iodine in it or supplement it and that being kelp (seaweed) supplements.

L-Tyrosine: A protein that works in combination with iodine to make the hormone is needed in combination. It can also help out with your stress levels.

Chromium: This supplement is better found in broccoli, which has the highest content. But you can also get in supplement form very cheaply, make sure the chromium supplement you buy says GTF on the label. Both iodine, L-Tyrosine and chromium GTF are essential in cell absorption of glucose into the cells, especially when they are glucose resistant as most diabetics are.

Some natural blood thinners:

Vitamin E (helps with sex drive too)
Cinnamon works also with the cells with insulin resistance)
Grape Seed Extract (blood pressure)
Gensing Complex (stress, cortisol levels, energy)
Fish Oil (Omega 3-6-9)
Green Tea (weight loss)
Black Tea
Ginkgo Biloba (memory, brain health)

Fo-Ti (anti-aging)

This is important: Probiotics: Is essential for nutrient absorption. Buy a supplement that has as many strains and quantity of the probiotics as possible, you can get a lot of it through foods, but supplements are more convenient in this process.

Dong Quai Root

As with everything, do your research on YouTube or Google, or whatever search engine or platform you are using. Hope this helped, hope you save money for the alternative to prescription drug sc

PS-Nutrisystem uses chromium GTF in the food, the key to their weight loss programs


AOC calls out Pelosi amid ongoing feud

Minako Yoshida - Light'n Up (Extended Rework Fantasy Love Affair Edit) [...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Give My Love to Rose

The Temptations - I Can't Get Next To You 1969 (Remastered audio)

Global Drug Trade and Its Worth

Globally, organized crime accounts for 1.5 percent of global gross domestic product and is worth around $870 billion and of that, drugs account for 50 percent of international organized crime income.

Numbers of Prosecutions of Human Trafficking Crimes Alarming

he Number of Prosecutions of Human Traffickers is Alarmingly Low

  • According to the 2017 State Department Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, there were only 14,894 prosecutions and 9,071 convictions for trafficking globally in 2016.
    • 1,251 prosecutions, 1,119 convictions and the identification of 18,296 victims occurred in Africa
    • 2,137 prosecutions, 1,953 convictions and the identification of 9,989 victims occurred in East Asia & the Pacific 
    • 2,703 prosecutions, 1,673 convictions, and the identification of 11,416 victims occurred in Europe  
    • 996 prosecutions, 1,187 convictions, and the identification of 3,292 victims occurred in the Near East 
    • 6,297 prosecutions, 2,193 convictions, and the identification of 14,706 victims occurred in South & Central Asia
    • 1,513 prosecutions, 946 convictions, and the identification of 8,821 victims occurred in the Western Hemisphere  
  • Of the estimated 16 million forced labor victims worldwide, only 1,038 cases of forced labor were prosecuted globally in 2016, according to the US Department of State.
  • In 2016, the Department of Justice convicted a total of 439 human traffickers, up from 297 in 2015 and 184 in 2014.

Human Trafficking is Big Business

Human Trafficking is Big Business

  • Human trafficking earns profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers, according to the ILO report from 2014. The following is a breakdown of profits, by sector:
    • $99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation
    • $34 billion in construction, manufacturing, mining, and utilities
    • $9 billion in agriculture, including forestry and fishing
    • $8 billion dollars is saved annually by private households that employ domestic workers under conditions of forced labor
  • While only 19% of victims are trafficked for sex, sexual exploitation earns 66% of the global profits of human trafficking. The average annual profits generated by each woman in forced sexual servitude ($100,000) is estimated to be six times more than the average profits generated by each trafficking victim worldwide ($21,800), according to the Organization for Security and Co‑operation in Europe (OSCE).
  • OSCE studies show that sexual exploitation can yield a return on investment ranging from 100% to 1,000%, while an enslaved laborer can produce more than 50% profit even in less profitable markets (e.g., agricultural labor in India).
  • In the Netherlands, investigators were able to calculate the profit generated by two sex traffickers from a number of victims. One trafficker earned $18,148 per month from four victims (for a total of $127,036) while the second trafficker earned $295,786 in the 14 months that three women were sexually exploited according to the OSCE.
  • While sexual exploitation generates profits, forced labor saves costs. In one case, Chinese kitchen workers were paid $808 for a 78-hour workweek in Germany. According to German law, a cook was entitled to earn $2,558 for a 39-hour workweek according to the OSCE. 

Global Human Trafficking The Numbers

A Global Problem:

According to a September 2017 report from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Walk Free Foundation:
  • An estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in state-imposed forced labor.
  • Forced labor takes place in many different industries. Of the 16 million trafficking victims exploited for labor
  • 7.5 million (47%) forced labor victims to work in construction, manufacturing, mining, or hospitality
  • 3.8 million (24%) forced labor victims are domestic workers
  • 1.7 million (11%) forced labor victims to work in agriculture 
  • 71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls and 29% are men and boys.
  • 15.4 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 5.5 million (25%).
  • The Asia-pacific region accounts for the largest number of forced laborers— 15.4 million (62% of the global total). Africa has 5.7 million (23%) followed by Europe and Central Asia with 2.2 million (9%). The Americas account for 1.2 million (5%) and the Arab States account for 1% of all victims. 
  • Human trafficking does not always involve travel to the destination of exploitation: 2.2 million (14%) of victims of forced labor moved either internally or internationally, while 3.5 million (74%) of victims of sexual exploitation were living outside their country of residence.
  • Victims spend an average of 20 months in forced labor, although this varied with different forms of forced labor.

The Forever Chemicals -- The Full Show | Great Lakes Now

Hooked on heroin: A Chinese town's battle with drug trafficking and addi...

Glenn Beck: Islam Is Taking Over And No One Is Paying Attention

Countries Where Prostitution is Legal, Illegal and Partially Legal

Legal in 53Limitedly Legal in 12Illegal in 35; Total: 100