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Monday, April 22, 2019

Amy Klobuchar and Her Platform

Amy Klobuchar

Candidate Status: RunningThe Minnesota senator launched her presidential bid in a Minneapolis blizzard in February. Klobuchar’s unruffled persona stands in contrast to Trump’s bluster and bravado, winning her plaudits from conservatives including Washington Post columnist George Will and Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins. Klobuchar, 58, raised more than $5 million in the first quarter and will benefit from a near-home-field advantage in neighboring Iowa, which holds the first-in-the-nation caucus. But she headed first to another state: “We’re starting in Wisconsin because, as you remember, there wasn’t a lot of campaigning in Wisconsin in 2016,” she said — throwing shade at the 2016 Clinton campaign. “With me, that changes.”Signature Policy: Known for playing small-ball, Klobuchar has emphasized her record of enacting practical laws that have reduced the backlog of rape kits and banned lead in toys. Unwilling to promise the moon on health care or tuition breaks, Klobuchar has gone all-in on statehood for Washington, D.C., promising it would be part of her first-100-days agenda.

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