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Friday, January 25, 2019

Russia and the Russian Mafia Getting What They Want

It is not the fact that they are evil Russians, its the fact that it is a suppressive government of freedoms filled with oligarchal control, such as what is being done to our country now with income disparity. Keeping the little man down. Fake news being said by a con artist and fakers themselves, people who watch fake wrestling and watch fake preachers. Russia is being served by what it wants, pull out of Syria, which what Russia and Turkey want, and the two Trump tower that will be built in those countries. Trump is their puppet. Soviet doctrine was to in the Cold War to bring separation and conflict between the people of the USA. It is being accomplished. Dissolvement of NATO in which Russia wants and Trump's ties to the Russian Mafia down through the decades. It is all working in Russia's favor and we are the suckers or the 35%

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