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Friday, January 25, 2019

Globalism vs Nationalism, If You Buy It, You Support It

In time, watch the world and it is happening now. We will see in time. For those who are programmable sheep, learn things the hard way and look for another to lead them. Globalization is an economic system. Trump has many assets around the world. His daughter makes her products in China. Trump wants to build a tower in Russia and Turkey, he might be a globalist. Do you shop at Walmart, own a Toyota, where is your computer made, shop at Family Dollar, Target? You might be a globalist. Globalism is a free market driven by a global consumer-driven market. Nationalism was the cause to the lead up of World War 2, and could be for World War 3. But let history teach us again for those who will not learn from history or those lost in their shell afraid to come or think outside the box

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