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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Verizon, Pai Face, Government Internet Paranoia, Fake Trump Telling You What Is Fake, Church Prohibitionist, Far Right and Far Left, Less Get Back to the Middle

Does anyone out there have a slow connection or constant problems with Verizon Internet, you know the one Pai Face use to be a lawyer for and will most likely be rewarded for ending net neutrality. You know the guy with the Colgate smile, goofy! Appointed by Trump. Never seen the poorest connections on the Internet since mentioning fake news, threatening paranoia far left, far right congressional members wanting to oversight it, paranoid, huh? Maybe the church prohibitionist wants to regulate content, I mean fascist. Big Tech shadow banning, got them stirred up, but when they lose and pick people, don't they lose audience and bottom line profit, I guess money does discriminate. Maybe we need a civil war, depression, a world war to reboot the world back into common sense

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