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Monday, January 1, 2018

Parting From the UN, Repeating History, Nationalism and Populism a Short Lived Fad, Open World

It seems that the US is cutting funding funds to the UN because of a stance that does not make sense in moving the Embassy to Jerusalem and declaring it the capital of Israel. We are disconnecting from the rest of the world as we did from 1918-29. Nationalism and isolationism will send us back to repeat good times for a while with a bubble in the economy and a large crash in the stock market, another recession or depression and another war without the cohesion of the United Nations all in the name of a religion, sad. I think in 2019, this will be reversed. Nationalism and populism is a short-lived fad that is dying. Brexit softening, 3 elections in the US that overwhelmed Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama elections. The world will eject these ideologies that cannot raise their heads in modern times. The world is becoming more Democratic in a new way and Socialistic. An open world with free trade, free information flow, open societies and cultures, and will return back to less stringent borders. Wars and conflicts are old ways of doing business in the world.

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