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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Old Globalization and the New Globalization to Come, Freedom of System vs Freedom of the People

 Old Globalization and the New Globalization to Come

Globalization is not a political system or a system of global elitist, but more of an economic world system of multinational corporations, free trade, no tariffs, be it a regional block agreement or a bilateral agreement. This has been going on for centuries and has been improving with time. Now there has been what you can call, systems trying to establish forms of global dominance through history, these being the Catholics, Islam, Christian Crusades, Imperialisms, Nazism, Communism, etc. I would differ that upcoming globalization is ever changing and being tampered with by the US and the old world order trying to hold on. The next developing process of globalization will come from the people, the consumer, law of world supply and demand, driven by a free world market without the hindrance of government over-regulation, wars, conflicts, religious dogma. What consumers buy, how they choose to live, how they worship, where the money is and who it belongs to, how free they are, how they express themselves with their freedoms, how they think free, and having access to consume in anyway what they like in having access to the whole world in that process.

There will be drastic changes through immigration, population shifts, aging demographics, prevention of wars, conflicts, working through the UN, tackling corruption, freeing people free to choose the way they want to live through more liberties and increasing of democracies around the world. It's a proven fact that in America, the fastest growing political party is not a party, but the affiliation of being independent, of individualism, close to being a Libertarian. Free thinking, free-spirited, free communication over the internet and social media, nonprejudicial thinking, free expression of groups and people, mixing through multiculturalism, free consumer choice, low inflation by not trying to control commerce flow. Globalism is ever changing, can't be predicted, it comes in many forms as it develops into whatever it becomes, but never in one dominant entity. Just live and change with it, for no one will control what has already been established, but that which will be changed by personal liberties not hindered

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