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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Low Birth Rate Countries Needing Immigration for Economic Growth, Border Control and Balanced Immigration Policy, Ukraine, Solving It Diplomatically, An African Future

European Union needs immigration, but priorities should be women with children, fathers and the elderly. Immigration is for countries which cannot sustain a population that is need to sustain servicing and economy and its people. The overpopulation myth at it again. Americans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, the European Union, and Canada need immigration to sustain their social safety nets. All these countries have population decline which in the long term will hurt their economies. But it needs to be balanced, according to populations of other countries of who they are to let in, not just a free flow, or a majority from the Middle East and North Africa. That is our problem in the USA, there is a large imbalance of Latin American immigration into the US. I am for open borders, open trade, open society. The border should not be plugged up to where there are strict entry points.  The border patrol should be replaced by the "National Guard" delegated to the states that border Canada and Mexico. We now only have 5,000 covering the whole border. The other option is the National Guard, which should stay in the country and not be deployed. That is what the army reserves and regular armed forces are for.

Ukraine: Why can't there just be elections in the provinces to decide for themselves if they want to be ruled by Ukrainian or Russian jurisdiction? Secretary of State Pompeo could mediate this with Putin. End the conflict through diplomatic channels with Russia lets say in Vienna, Austria, If there can be no compromise, then arm the Ukrainians matching arms to arms with what Russia is applying or using NATO troops. Both can happen at the same time. Russia continues to want to control the gas going into the EU.

African Summit: Good idea! Africa has abundant resources to be exploited, young people willing to work and get out of their poverty their in. The problem with Africa's is corruption, Islamic extremist and infrastructure. Prop up governments that are economically sound. More attention should be given to Africa as a whole. It is not how much food you give to people, it is the building of infrastructure, foreign aid, giving them tools and teachings to creating modern civilizations. The African Union may have to help in maintaining and fighting to oppose ISIS, extreme Muslim groups, political corruption and rogue militias from interruption of the economic and public reforms to carry these countries forward.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Globalized Trends 2050 Manifesto Proposal to the World

Globalization Trends: 2050 Manifesto

Freedom of media, the press, social media platforms, worldwide. There should be no restrictions on this, for the free flow of information should be transparent to the global public.

Free markets, without interruption of wars, conflicts nationalism, religious fanaticism, extremism, older institutions, fascism or monopolized powers which stifle human progression towards a more globally integrated world.

Social Security and universal basic income to end homelessness, jump-starting a person's lives and ending poverty.

Asia, Africa, and the Mideast as the new economic frontiers for labor pools and development through foreign investments, opening up these markets for worldwide consumers without handiness of sanctions, wars, corruption, and conflict.

Nanotechnology should be deregulated to the free world market to help in helping solving medical problems and advancing the causes it can perform in the advancement for the good of humanity.

A resourceful planet, combined with renewable energies as part of the free market, recycling and deregulating the economic sectors to produce the maximum of their potential.

Internet in competition with the world culture (old vs the new), religions and tradition, nationalism, extremisms, fanaticism. People not wanting change and living in the past, stifling worldwide economic progress in free trade. Sort of the like again, The Tree of Life vs the Tree of Knowledge, keeping people dumb for control or keeping people informed in order to change to make the world better.

Biotechnology deregulated to save lives in the healthcare realm, cure diseases and extend life. Used in agriculture to feed an evergrowing world population and ending famines.

Information free flow, free thinking, free spirit, free the mind without government, despot, religious prohibitionist regulating it, or controlled by the elite.

Integrating artificial intelligence with humankind, civilizations, and setting the freedom to enhance life and extending it. Mainly used through robotics and smart machines, Humans will be able to replace human needs without looking for it from human intelligence. Both will compete for one another, sex, relationships, and human interactions.

A free globalized free market economy regulated by supply and demand of the world consumer across free trade and open borders and zero tariffs.

Increasing the population growth rates through government incentives of births, free support for births and encouraging more legal immigration for the low birthrate countries to continue to develop with the rest of the world.

De-centralization, open immigration, free markets, open borders to help the world economies and the world commerce flow to move quickly in fulfilling supply and demands of the worldwide consumers, quickly giving the consumer reasonable prices, low inflation and making the world more competitive in business.

Lifelong learning, free college to enhance job skills, on the job training, internal company, and corporate educationals systems, and those companies/corporation provide funding towards a public world educational system,

Democracy means any political beliefs the majority of the world in which is deciding the way the world should be, not monopolized by one political parties, but by diversity, and choice without prejudice or persecution.

Freeing up the social media sites and expanding ones that want to grow through blockchains, algorithms and the public sector. Without Big Tech companies controlling vast quantity sharing of the world's information to the rest of the world population.

North-South movement in world economies will be the trend with migration, deregulated immigration, dual citizenships, and relaxed border control open borders to be able to access labor pools, producing products to fulfill the supply and demand that will be needed in areas of the world.

Freedom is art, expression in the arts, content in social media, media itself and should be free to produce content to that which sells, for majority sets the new moral trends in an everchanging world to meet modern times.

The future of Asia and the Pacific Rim will change in the next 30 years in a sense of population declines. Eventually, having to accept into their countries immigration, migrants and the humanitarian part of accepting refugees from war-torn nations and country conditions endangering their lives because of the failure of other country governments. For if not, we are wasting human capital, future consumers, the human potential within our worldwide populations. We must also promote human population growth over trying to decline it.

New Age thought, universal philosophies, combining religions and philosophies to fill the voids that one religion or religions cannot fill, to fit individuals needs for spiritual enhancement.

There will be religious and corporate fascism, nationalism, extremism, fanaticism, isolationism, protectionism, suppressive prohibitionist, unnecessary wars, conflicts, proxy wars, power geopolitical struggles in which none will take complete control but just for power grabs. Short live fads in world history. Globalism will always prevail.

Information communication and transportation infrastructure must vastly be improved to meet the needs of a fast-moving worldwide sales transactions in worldwide commerce. Meeting logistical movement of products, services, keeping pace with worldwide consumer supply and demand.

Worldwide energy global sources and production should be free marketed, not regulated, not subsidized by any government, but regulated to supply and demand according to the worldwide consumer-driven marketplace.

Fracking technology is improving our extraction of oil and expanding offshore drilling to keep control of oil in check worldwide. The Oceans expand long distances, many resources abound, this should be explored within environmental limits.

Diplomacy is cheaper than war and war is a racket. War destroys progress in which civilization has created or advanced to. Having wars for being addicted to oil and gas, because of some religious ideological fanatical belief, worldwide geopolitical power grabs in not working together with other nations through the United Nations. Feeding the Military Complex for weapons sale is a waste of resources to what has already been advanced in worldwide civilization progress and stifles the cause.

Recycling should be privatized for the consumer to get back in what they have bought instead of the government dictating it to their profit, that is communism.

Economics and using resources to the maximum potential over ideologies should be advanced, for past thought, the old ways should be rescinded.

The worldwide stock exchanges should run free to enhance capitalism and democracy

The world economy, not just the EU, should be integrated into decision making collectively through the United Nations.

Immigration for the future of social security, meeting the needs of the populations declined nations must be realized as a need for the future if any nation and the world is supposed to progress forward in meeting their and its needs

BRIC-Brazil, Russia, India, and China powerhouses will compete against the WTO, IMF and the World Bank in influencing regions around the world.

Freeing the underground growth economies, like ending the drug war, prohibitions against personal and civil liberties, cutting into the profits of Law Inc's, cartels, gangsters, pimping, DEA, and human trafficking profits. Excluded from this should be child prostitution and the harder drugs to be determined by the community, geographical area involved, most being determined by commerce

Afghanistan Peace Talks, Afghanistan's Resources, America's Sacrifice, Taliban, Russia, Russian Mafia, Military Complex, Terrorism, Natural Gas

Afghanistan is known to have a vast quantity of opium, lithium and natural gas. Why are we there?
For good reason, opening the pipeline for cheaper products to the worldwide market of consumers. Opium is used for killing pain, people are getting older, pain is growing. Lithium is used in the next generation of cars, lithium batteries. For us to pull out of Afghanistan according to the Russian peace talks which have been agreed to by all parties in the talks, except for the United States participation would be a mistake. Russia, the Russian Mafia would take advantage of the opium trade and promote the Taliban which is guarding it and the vast amount of resources there that Russian oligarchs would take advantage of. We have sacrificed a lot of our resources there just to walk away, it is like we did Russia a favor.

Globalization, Nationalism, Protectionism, Isolationism, Population Growth, Deregulation, Policing the World for Democracy, Borders, Root of Evil

The world is global, though some try to ignore it, protest it, their called nationalist, protectionist, isolationist Trump is not, for he has businesses all around the world and wants tariffs down to zero around the world. They think we, the Americans are the only ones that are around. News: There are 7.8 billion on the planet earth. Read "The Clash of Civilizations. The world order is not a conspiracy of a secret society, but a world marketplace according to the consumers of the world and we are all connected to it. Read the "The World Is Flat".

Population Growth: Let it grow. Global warming is not such a big deal or now climate change. For every person born becomes a consumer, generates money, which generates jobs, demand. Are we going to be a Germany, Japan, Russia and have all old people, no social security, no one to care for the old, the social system will break? This concept is also true when a country becomes nationalist, one thing to be nationalist, but it has to repopulate, for some areas like Europe, North America, Russia, and Japan, will half to take in immigration in order to compete with other countries

Deregulation: There are certain industries that need to be deregulated to give consumers worldwide a variety of choices and competitive prices. Healthcare, energy, and education. Healthcare needs to integrate western medicine with eastern medicine, become more deregulated for the consumer to be able to obtain drugs from other countries, allow more all that have the desire and drive to further their educations. I wonder, with the Internet, and with a 10th-grade education, does one need to further their education, given the fact that they only need to learn research, reasoning, logic and critical thinking skills. On energy, the energy market should be driven by consumer demand, nonsubsidized energy sectors, and let consumer-driven free markets regulate the supply and demand through prices of the industries. Global free markets.

The world should be policed, but jointly from terrorism, tyrants, extremist, Nazis, Fascisms, and unauthorized invasions that go against the norms of the international community, through coalitions, and the United Nations collectively. Coalitions of the policing force should be done within the region and neighboring countries, and those neighboring countries within the region of the crisis.

The Border: National Guard stands for National (domestic army) Guard (security). Get rid of the US border patrol and let the National Guard take control of the borders and they'll do it in numbers. There should have been a border a long time ago, but the Mexican Cartels have had a big influence in it happening, for it would interfere with their illegal drug transportation, smuggling of drugs using Central American migrants, not all, but the majority in gangs that answer to the Mexican Cartels and the lucrative trade of human trafficking. But in saying that, we should let the women, children and older people that are trying to escape gangs that have ravaged the countries of Central American countries in which has been fed by the promoted drug war of the United States and the appetite that drug users have of the illegal drugs being demanded. Prohibition of drugs creates profit for the Mexican Cartel through the drug wars, and if it was through a more restrictive border, Both sides of the coin make a profit, Law Inc, DEA Inc, Private Prisons Inc and Detention Centers. Like the military complex, can't make money without war. We in this country feed this problem with the appetite for illegal drugs and the appetite for oil, both addictions, we are the pawns.

The Root of All Evil: Is money, power, religion being used to hide what is really the reason or goal in obtaining power, controls, resources being extracted. Big vein of lithium in Afghanistan, African diamonds, and gold, Middle Eastern oil, wars to feed the military complex and keeping Islam in check, Christianities competition. The dollar is tied to oil, too much oil is not good for the dollar as price and too less is not good for the world economies, keeping the dollar steady and overpowering other currencies is the goal of the neoconservatives. Neoliberalism tends to have free-market blocks with very little conflict or war but driven by consumerism, supply, and demand.