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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

What is a Cabal, but Just a Worldly Market of Ideas of Supply and Demand

 What is the Cabal? There are many, in many forms, secret societies, gangs, far left and right extremists, who need a leader and can't think on their ow. There is cultic religions that turn cultic when they stray off the traditional belief system, most are run by one person that owns all and coming and takes advantage of gullible people, mainly the old, and programming, brainwashing our young. This can include drug pushers, and gangs who answer to cartels. So you can go all over with the word cabal.. All I know is we live in a world of what sells and what does not, worldly supply and demand. Roll with the flow, be independent, survive on your own, stay away from control freakks, critically think on your own using logic, reason, stay in the middle and balanced, color of your skin means nothing, don't become tribaliized. You are part of the world and connected to all.

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