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Monday, November 14, 2022

The Real Inflation, Not Just Interest Rates, There Are Other Causes

The Real World Inflation, Not Just Interest Rates, There Are Other Causes

 Jacking up interest rates is not the only form of bringing down inflation. It was caused by the poison of nationalism, COVID getting away from free trade, rattling China's cage with trade tariffs, and hardening our stance on immigration policies. Most inflation comes from high demand, expensive labor, and not enough workers, to fill in the gaps, immigration must solve the problem, deregulation, and in the long run, population growth.

Now er are getting back on track, with the meeting between Xi and Biden and Biden announcing America would get back to being fully engaged with the world and geopolitical engagement. 

The attempt by nationalistic religion in Russia and the nationalistic religion in America has failed in the recent elections, with no red wave. Both nationalistic brands were parallel to each other and was planted by Russia, Trump being a Russian plant, Russian Mafia influence now has been shut down with Putin's stupidity in invading Ukraine, which happened to the president of that country, Ukraine being Jewish, so you get the point of the nationalistic point 

Research, if you will, and I understand where nationalistic minds, being fanatical and extreme do not bother to research, but those who use logic, and reason, do research, Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church and Trump and the Evangelical Nationalistic Churches, and you will see the similarities

Globalization, free trade, immigration, COVID, and once the whole world gets back to work, when Russia overthrows Putin, we will get back to low inflation. Competition around the world and the free flow of goods and services will get back to normal. The big scam and con has been exposed, the young Americans see through it, its day has come. May we never experience it again

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