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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

What is a Cabal, but Just a Worldly Market of Ideas of Supply and Demand

 What is the Cabal? There are many, in many forms, secret societies, gangs, far left and right extremists, who need a leader and can't think on their ow. There is cultic religions that turn cultic when they stray off the traditional belief system, most are run by one person that owns all and coming and takes advantage of gullible people, mainly the old, and programming, brainwashing our young. This can include drug pushers, and gangs who answer to cartels. So you can go all over with the word cabal.. All I know is we live in a world of what sells and what does not, worldly supply and demand. Roll with the flow, be independent, survive on your own, stay away from control freakks, critically think on your own using logic, reason, stay in the middle and balanced, color of your skin means nothing, don't become tribaliized. You are part of the world and connected to all.

Rare earths crunch? Why we need them and who has them | Business Beyond

Is overpopulation really a problem for the planet?

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Real Inflation, Not Just Interest Rates, There Are Other Causes

The Real World Inflation, Not Just Interest Rates, There Are Other Causes

 Jacking up interest rates is not the only form of bringing down inflation. It was caused by the poison of nationalism, COVID getting away from free trade, rattling China's cage with trade tariffs, and hardening our stance on immigration policies. Most inflation comes from high demand, expensive labor, and not enough workers, to fill in the gaps, immigration must solve the problem, deregulation, and in the long run, population growth.

Now er are getting back on track, with the meeting between Xi and Biden and Biden announcing America would get back to being fully engaged with the world and geopolitical engagement. 

The attempt by nationalistic religion in Russia and the nationalistic religion in America has failed in the recent elections, with no red wave. Both nationalistic brands were parallel to each other and was planted by Russia, Trump being a Russian plant, Russian Mafia influence now has been shut down with Putin's stupidity in invading Ukraine, which happened to the president of that country, Ukraine being Jewish, so you get the point of the nationalistic point 

Research, if you will, and I understand where nationalistic minds, being fanatical and extreme do not bother to research, but those who use logic, and reason, do research, Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church and Trump and the Evangelical Nationalistic Churches, and you will see the similarities

Globalization, free trade, immigration, COVID, and once the whole world gets back to work, when Russia overthrows Putin, we will get back to low inflation. Competition around the world and the free flow of goods and services will get back to normal. The big scam and con has been exposed, the young Americans see through it, its day has come. May we never experience it again

GOP Bomb Goes Off: Turning On 'Toxic,' 'Loser' Trump After Humiliating L...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

World's Top Electricity Producers and Consumers

China’s Electricity Problem

Wolfmother - Dimension (2005)

The Pastors Who Are Actually Just Worshipping Money

Lauren Boebert: The Church Should Run The United States Government

Obama Breaks Down Why We Need Separation of Church & State

Bill Maher makes grim prediction about Trump in 2024

Ratatat - Seventeen Years

Wagner: Some Republicans Are Uniting Against Biden And Siding With Putin

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Baptist leader speaks out: 'Christian nationalism is not Christianity'

Concerns grow over the increasing ties between Christianity and right-wi...

Christian Nationalism Appears Ascendant In GOP Politics

Rosemary Clooney - This Ole House

Exploring the economic argument for a return to open US borders

How migration could make the world richer

Open the Borders—to Trade and to People!

Response to a Russian supporter

Accusing a communist jew like Putin of acting like Hitler when he is trying to "de-nazify" Ukraine, aka genocide white Ukrainians via a false war that should have ended long ago that has several Jewish political agendas behind it (An excuse to cause economic chaos, attempt a 3rd World War.


No matter, nothing going to happen anyway. Most of the Russian troops now are committing mutiny. Russian soldiers are afraid to fight the Ukrainians. There are no Nazis in Ukraine; how can a Jew be a Nazi Nationalist Socialist)? Putin is not a Nazi but is a nationalist tied to the Orthodox Church, the same thing happening with Trump and the National Christian Movement who want to force religion on us or people who do not want to be, me for one. They would make this country a Christian Republic. Be jailed for not going to church, Dark Ages all over again. Putin backed down in which eventually I think he will do to get back the political clout he once had. 3rd world war won't happen; Putin is chicken shit now to go against NATO. No one win, if he did try, the generals and the people would rise up and he knows he would lose power, even China is against first use.

Putin, the Russian Orthodox Church, Trump and the Christian Nationalism vs Global Liberalism All Connected, Take Your Choice in the Election

Global Liberalism

After World War II—the deadliest conflict in human history—countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence.

World leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy. The United States has championed this system—known as the liberal world order—for the past seventy-five years. During this time, the world has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.

But these institutions are far from perfect, and today they are struggling to address new sources of disorder, such as climate change and a deadly pandemic. What’s more, democracy is on the decline around the world, authoritarianism is on the rise, and countries like China are deliberately chipping away at the liberal world order, creating parallel institutions of their own. Faced with these challenges, will the liberal world order survive? If a new system emerges, what will that mean for freedom, peace, and prosperity worldwide

Global Nationalism

The twenty-first century is witnessing a truly transnational revival of a very old set of ideas. Despite romantic attachments to old symbols, these late modern nationalism movements are not simply replicas of the previous two waves of nationalism in the 1860s and 1920s. Nor is it true that today's nationalist movements want simply to return to the past and effect a nationalist 1930s-style retrenchment. From Putin's macho revivalism to Trump's shocking victory and Xi's strongman regionalism, nationalists engage with the economic context of our time and address issues born of globalization. Crucially, in their vision for international relations, they seek the destruction of key international norms in a drive to restore a vision of sovereignty predicated on a survivalist understanding of state power.

Global Christian Nationalism

a cultural framework that idealizes and advocates a fusion of Christianity with American civic life. It contends that America has been and should always be distinctively Christian from top to bottom—in its self-identity, interpretations of its own history, sacred symbols, cherished values, and public policies—and it aims to keep it that way. But, the Christian in Christian Nationalism is more about identity than religion. It carries with it assumptions about nativism, white supremacy, authoritarianism, patriarchy, and militarism.”

Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration and Global Capital

Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | Yuval Noah Harari

Dr. Yoram Hazony on Liberalism, Nationalism, and Globalism

Thursday, November 3, 2022

ExtenZe Ingredients - ExtenZe Review

Religious SCAMS Exposed 3 - Majoe Special!

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind

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Religious SCAMS Exposed 2

Religious SCAMS Exposed!

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The 3 possible outcomes of the 2022 US election