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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Dependence on Oii; in the World, Russia, Saudi Arabia, OPEC, World Energy Competition and Price Stabalization, Planting Democracy, Influencing Cutures Within to Create change

  Right now, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) is working with Putin to wreak havoc in the global oil markets, using fossil energies as a weapon to make up for what little brains, shorty Putin has. It’s just the latest reminder that Saudi Arabia is NOT a U.S. ally, but driven by money and profit like anything else in geopolitical economics.

We need to think economically and not ideologically about the problem. Unclog the pipes! Russia needs high oil and natural gas prices to fund it world endeavors for power.

Iran. Either we overthrow the government, like we did with Radio Free Europe using the Internet with Musk's Starlink free Internet or find a way to get the Internet to all around the world to feed freedom and democracy in keeping people informed, for the flow of information is power. 

On the other hand, scenario, if Saudi Arabis and Iran got into a war with each other, one being Shiite and the other Sunni, and by the way, Russia has airbases in Iran, most of our troops are in Qatar if a war was to break out between them, Saude Arabia would need our weapons systems, I,e oil sales to feed the war machine, Iran in the same aspect, weapons sales, and cheaper oil and natural gas sale. Now destruction on both sides of energy facilities could raise prices on energy, and it would benefit Russia in taking those two out of competition with all in the market. All in all, diplomacy must be engaged through negotiations and diplomacy to divert the problem

The addiction to oil in the world is destroying world economic output, high inflation, and high-interest rates. We in the world must do all we can to divert from fossil fuels, but in saying that it can't be done cold turkey. We must look at energy from not just one angle. Some ideas

1. Quit stirring up a stink with other countries as far as affecting the free flow of energy because of some ethics we don't believe into punish other countries with sanctions. Find a middle ground in diplomacy, and negotiations, creating a peaceful flow of products and services throughout the world.

2. Take away all subsidies to any energy sector, creating competition, and letting supply and demand, through worldwide free trade also letting the worldwide consumer decide on which energy sources are better through price and competition in the markets.

3. Drilling more mining, more forms of energy production in America, as a backup for geopolitical problems that affect prices at home. 

385,504,548Energy used today (MWh), of which:
328,163,239- from non-renewable sources (MWh)
58,053,623- from renewable sources (MWh)
2,415,590,658,198Solar energy striking Earth today 
79,066,897Oil pumped today (barrels)
1,423,103,989,220The oil left (barrels)
14,841Days to the end of oil (~41 years)
1,078,942,633,107Natural Gas left (boe)
56,786Days to the end of natural gas
4,290,676,021,472Coal left (boe)
147,954Days to the end of coal

As you can see, the most viable energy commodities here are solar and coal, screw the environmental greenies, the point being here is supply, demand, and price for the product and the abundance of. Manipulating energy markets through geopolitical competitions in trying to manipulate prices such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, and OPEC is the problem, should not as a consumer know what is better in use through price.

Here’s what went down: Putin asked the Saudi government to cut oil production by one million barrels a day in order to keep oil prices high. MBS not only agreed, but he also did Putin the favor twice over – pushing OPEC+ to cut production by two million barrels a day.

Simply put, MbS and Putin joined hands to squeeze the global oil markets. It’s a move that leaves millions of Europeans out in the cold and raises prices on just about everything for all of us everywhere else. And Putin, who continues to wage a brutal war in Ukraine, stands to benefit the most.

We need a wholesale reimagining of our foreign policy, and one way we can kick-start it today is by ending our reliance on a broken alliance with the Saudi government to produce as much energy at home. even in the export sense, fracking, more lease in governmental lands for drilling and mining, more offshore drilling, even further out. It’s time to take back that leverage they think they have. MbS’s latest actions have sparked outrage across Congress and in the White House. And that means we’ve got a chance to turn the tides on this broken status quo. So keep in mind your economic stability and not your ideological beliefs when you vote.

Right now, there are no less than THREE ways Congress can immediately push back and rethink the U.S.-Saudi relationship: block weapons sales and security assistance to Saudi Arabia, break U.S. dependence on Saudi oil, and get U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Any ONE of these could shift the tides on a foreign policy that looks the other way as MbS violates human rights and wages war in Yemen, and luckily they’re ALL in play. By the way, Yemen is not about human rights, its about it being a shipping choking point in the world.

The United States has relied on a broken relationship with Saudi Arabia that has lasted across 15 presidents and seven kings, because the dollar was taken off the gold standard, and pegged to oil in protecting Saudi oil, in 1973.  As long as this dependence continues, the United States remains woefully vulnerable to the whims of authoritarians like MbS and Putin. It's time for a change

We must oust Putin, and Xi, finish the job with the Cold War, which never ended and just took a break. and overthrow or eradicate any type of authoritarian rule, extremist and fanatical ideologies, oligarchies, and monopolization in the world. Planting democracy, freedoms, free flight of information, and free trade around the world. For freedom and freedom in the markets are the biggest creators of wealth in the world.

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