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Monday, October 31, 2022

Current Energy Porduction, Use, Reserves Left in the World and an Analysis Nov 2022

5,778,040- from non-renewable sources (MWh)

1,022,162- from renewable sources (MWh)

42,531,815,212 Solar energy striking Earth today (MWh)

1,392,148 Oil pumped today (barrels)

1,422,510,336,467 The oil left (barrels)

14,835Days to the end of oil (~41 years)

1,078,824,972,201Natural Gas left (boe)

56,780 Days to the end of natural gas

4,290,496,321,179 Coal left (boe)

147,948Days to the end of coal

In looking at this chart of energy production, what's being used, and what is left in reserves. Solar sticks out the best, With as much desert land we have in the world, the energy capture is enormous, wind power is not an answer. 

Oil has 41 years left in which it will burn itself out. Middle Eastern countries and Northern Africa should and will be large energy, producers when oil dies and solar takes over because of their extensive desert coverage.

Natural gas has a 155-year tenure, much more than oil, but is being monopolized because regions like Europe have or got rid of their diversification with energy production. Putin is using that to his advantage, LNG can be an answer, but very expensive to transport and process. 

Methane is an alternative to natural gas in that it produces 8x the natural energy gas produces

With coal, there is 405 years left, with many viable uses such as kerosene and methane as a byproduct.

Most energy crises are caused by monopolizing a certain energy sector, sometimes using it as a geopolitical tool for profit or economic gain. All countries should stay diversified, subsidized free, and based on consumer choice, supply and demand-driven.

The answer to the energy crises is solar first, coal, and methane.

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