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Friday, September 18, 2020

Statements of Critical Thinking, Logic, Realism, Free Thought, Free Spirit and The Real Reason for Globalization According to the Consumer

 1.) Geoengineering the earth. 

 2.) Controlling what you can and can't say in public and online. 3.) Starting wars with foreign countries. 4.) Dividing this country with a two party system that only represents the lobbyists. 5.) Eugenicists. 6.) Using psychology as a weapon. 7.) Kidnapping our children in the name of righteousness. 8.) Creating laws that have nothing to do with representing our cultures or society. 9.) Spying on us. 10.) Creating a society that's ruled by fear. 11.) Saying that they support diversity when in reality they are ideological supremacists. 12.) Uniting the forces of corporations, representatives, and bankers. 13.) Poisoning our food, water, and air. 14.) Brainwashing our children in public schools. 15.) Destroying the American culture from within. 16.) Arming extremists. 17.) Running illegal drugs while promoting the use of addictive prescription drugs. 18.) Injecting children with mercury, retroviruses, and aluminum (vaccines) 19.) Slowly removing "our" rights. 20.) Throwing humans into cages for victimless crimes. 21.) Monopolizing, patenting, and restricting technology so that they can use it to control you. 22.) Creating chaos in the world. 23.) United against you while dividing us. 24.) Stealing private properties. 25.) Criminalizing and murdering whistle-blowers who expose their agendas. 26.) Interventionists at every level. 27.) Destroying this country so that they can replace it with their vision of a utopian society. 28.) Creating fake news with false or twisted narratives to confuse, anger, or pacify the masses. 29.) Manipulating markets. 30.) Destroying the rule of law. 31.) Destroying the freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for. 32.) Taxing you to fund their terrorist operations.

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