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Monday, September 14, 2020

Corona Virus and Inflammation

 Coronavirus or COVID19 is an inflammatory disease. So here you go, natural cures for this problem.

Corona Virus and Inflammation

1. Vitamin A (pork, watermelon, liver, fish)

2. Bromelain (pineapple)

3. Red hot pepper (Chili)

4. Cats claw (supplement)

5. Turmeric 

6. Vitamin E (note that the Okinawans have the best longevity in the world, their diets mainly consist of fish, soy, and seaweed), you can also get in olive oil

7. Garlic (put in all your food, 3 servings a day or buy in supplement form)

8. Ginger (put in all your foods)

9. Omega 3 fatty oil (tuna, sardines, salmon, anchovies, nuts)

10. Resveratrol (nuts, grapes, peanuts)

11. SAM E (supplement form)

12. Zinc (chicken and beef)

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