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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dragon Symbolized in Eastern Thought, Eastern Thought vs Western Thought, Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life, Mixing of Spirtuality with Science and AI, Singularity, Discipline, Balance, Harmony, Life's Journey. The Tao, Balance Good with Evil and How What is Good and Evil, Freedom, Free Market, Free Consumerism, Freedom of Expression, Suffering, Peace and War

The dragon is the symbolism for Eastern Thought. It is the rival to Western Thought.

Eastern Thought being Buddhism, Hinduism, Japanese and Chinese philosophies vs the Western Thoughts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are connected to Judaism in the root.

Off branches on Eastern Though are New Age, Astrology, power within yen and yang, good and evil, which humans are not supposed to know, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge as stated in Genius

The influences really too off in Western Civilizations during the 60;s and the '70s and today is widely accepted. Funny thing is, it is coming from the generation that discovered and is manipulating the Internet today, the Tree of Knowledge, the baby boomers of  Western Civilizations.

It is part of the Marshall Arts, Ti Chi, discipline, focus, balance and harmony in thought. In Hindu thought and Buddhist thought, you must suffer to learn and turn the suffering into a positive as a lesson to pass on to future generations so it is not right

It is mixing the sciences with spirituality. It is why there was the birth of the Renaissance and then the Dark Ages that happen in Europe, in which science and technology must overrule religion in controlling the masses. People must master themselves, with discipline, knowledge research, logic, reason, and analysis before going on through the journey of life.

Paganism was stomped out by Jewish and Christian thought, in turn, the fall of Paganisms, the Greek and Roman Empires. We are facing a clash of these religions and cultures and we are on the brink of the singularity of humans and what knowledge they were not supposed to know. AI, robots, and mixing technology with the human mind where both will become compatible.

The world will be run on singularity, technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnologies, algorithms, blockchain, where they will be combined and the technology that you surround yourself with will be all-knowing of yourself and who you should be and become.

There will be on your journey, a goal, to always self improve yourself in life long learning, which will always be available to you and all the masses and no longer just the chosen few.

There is a big influence in China influencing the West through Hollywood, social media, and the internet. But here is why China is great though, it is not communism, it is capitalism mixed with the both, in which freedoms through technology and freedom eventually will overcome its communistic leaderships, for money changes that and the money in China is in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Beijing's cash cow, money will overrule that and release the Chinese potential along with other Asian nations.

Description and uses of the conceptThe Tao is more commonly expressed in the relationship between wu (void or emptiness, in the sense of wuji) and yin-yang (the natural dynamic balance between opposites), leading to its central principle of wu Wei (non-action, or action without force).

That is based on the balance between the negative and positive, the good and evil, the truth and the lie, knowledge and spiritual in life. Harmony is part of the balance in which once balanced will become peach and harmony. 

The Toa is an external void, filled with infinite possibilities when both good and evil are explored, but what is good and evil, but what is decided by ancient text that contradicts one another in ancient text and can be argued through neons. In free civilizations, it is according to the elected representatives that so in a free market of supply and demand, dictated by the massed without interference by despot governments or religion in government.

The Tao does not take sides, for it gives birth to good and evil, or what in that day of age is considered good and evil and are ever-changing, later to be determined by humanity and civilization.

Now Western Thought and Eastern Thought are being mixed, as too are the cultures and ethnic population of the world. When combined with freedom, supply, and demand in the market in which the consumer will dictate through free trade, free elections, free choice, free expression, without controls of religious doctrine, dictatorial governments, despotic, nationalistic or monopolized governments.   

This is present in you to carry this forward, thinking outside of the norms and bot being a flock of authority, old institutions.

Universal life combined with good and evil in balancing each other and in the end result becoming harmony.
Peace is a balance, war is what brings it back from an imbalance, suffering to bring you to healing and peace once the suffering is over.

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