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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Nazism and the Church, Evangelicals, Repeating 1919-45, A Lesson to Learn Again

In the days after World War II, a convenient story was told of church leaders and ordinary Christians that defied the Nazis from the beginning. Recent research has uncovered a very different story. Rather than resisting, the greater part of the German church saw Hitler's rise in 1933 as an act of God's blessing, kind of like with Trump, now in when he was elected in 2016. A new chapter in the story of God among the German people, and now is it repeating itself. This is how humans can twist and turn religion as an excuse to be used to do evil, such as fascist Naziism had done. I guess they could not accept Jesus was a Jew, and I guess for survival tactics, kissed up to Hitler and the Nazi party because to them it was the only way to revive their agenda and enforcing their policies in which it backfired with Hitler. How could something like this happen in the heart of Christian Europe? Could it happen again, with the Evangelicals? How does the scholarship of this period affect the church today, especially the Evangelicals? Does the church of today retain the ability to recognize a hypocritical evangelical cult profound evil?

Well to the first question, it happens when a population becomes brainwashed, gullible, desperate and ignorant to the fact. Tribalism, clicks, grouping together (gangs), the sickness of ethnic isolationism, when in fact, the world outnumbers them, so they draw into hate groups (shell) to hide from reality.

We are living a lesson, the world taught us, 1919 when Mckinley started his campaign by saying, make America great again. 1919-33, prohibitions, which were pushed by the far-right religious lobby, protectionism, isolationism, greed of the '20s, income inequities, tariffs enacted in 1928, Hoover did not even accept his check, as did Trump, All this led to a black market in the '30s that fed a black market with alcohol, such as today's war on drugs, farm decline, a rising up of socialism, fascism and nationalism, a Great Depression and a World War.

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