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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Trump and Israel, Trump's Lobbies, Underminding NATO, Cold War is Over, Repeating Policy of What is Going to Repeat History

The claim made by many neoconservatives that Israel and the United States are partners in the Middle East because their strategic interests are identical is belied by the fact that the Israelis are more than willing to ignore Washington when its suits them to do so. The claim of identical interests has always been false, promoted by the Zionist media and an intensively lobbied Congress to make the lopsided relationship with an essentially racist and apartheid regime more palatable to the American public, but, in wake of the slaughter in Gaza and pending legislation in the Knesset empowering Israeli communities to ban non-Jewish residents, it completely lacks any credibility.

Rebuttal: The Evangelicals of 70+ million are the big factors in the US support for the Jewish Lobby. Trump's daughter and son in law are Jewish, the neoconservatives and the Middle East conflict play on each other so does oil and the petrodollar and the is what it is about. It is true that the Jews own a lot in our country, so you have to ask the question, what are they doing right that others are not? Trump has a counsel of evangelicals in his White House, he is a puppet for the Zionist and evangelical cause. The bad thing is, we had this between 1919-33, under prohibition, the funny thing is during this time frame there was an upswing in the KKK, communism, gangs, fascism, nationalism in which Trump is repeating these policies of history. The outcome was a Great Depression and World War 2. He is being steered by the military complex, oil, Jewish, Evangelical, Neoconservative and Russian agenda. He is right on one thing dealing with in which Putin said during the meeting between them in Helsinki, the Cold War is over. We as a world should be thinking of reducing wars and conflict, reducing extremism all around the world and spreading democracy by any means possible. Through the trade war with China, putting pressure on Iran, with the conference we are opening up door toward this. There needs to be a peace settlement with the Palestinians and Israel needs to compromise, How they are handling the demonstrations in Palestine, is disgraceful.   

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