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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Online Extremist, Russian Apologist, Fake News, Assad Apologist, Russian Propagandist, The Far Right, The Far Left, Get Back to the Center of Thought

Online radicals are extremist, fanatics, money self-centered money grubbers. An online activist is good but only focuses on one or more cause. A Russian apologist is usually a Trump fan, bot, Russian mobster, promoting the Orthodox church. An Assad apologist is a Shiite Muslim. Fake news is someone who tells you what is fake, trying to manipulate you into believing in conspiracy in attempt to get you to focus on the Trump agenda, sort of like a Nazi or Zionist Russian Jew, blurts out what they think is without credible information, evidence, using logic and reason as tool, taking you as a fool who cannot comprehend independent thought processes or critical thought. A Russian propagandist is a bot, spy, Russian Jewish mobster, hacker, fake sight, again the same as a fake news communist. A far righter is someone who is part of the EVILangelist coalition bent on seeing a death wish of prophecies come true (which really sells to gullible people), prohibitionist, like the ones who pressed us into a gangster country with black markets, depression and finally flushed out by World War 2. Far left are radical socialist that take things to the extremes in freedoms, touchy about all, willing to use violence, like the far right etc. Remember, never become fanatical about nothing, stay globally diversified in your portfolio of thought, worldwide consumer driven, unregulated, non subsidized market. Freedom of expression, critical thought, logic, reason and always questioning society. Be multicultural, free your mind and the rest will follow.

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