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Thursday, July 12, 2018

In Democracies, Staying True to All People with Universal Rights Should Be Respected, No Monopolized, Religion, Militarized or Authoritarian Entity Belongs in a Free Society

Set of core principles, including opposition to violence, protection of universal human rights, meaning all across the board in balance with the whole society or civilization, and reform that meets the legitimate aspirations of the people.

The goal of any political process should be a government that respects the rights of all people, the majority, and minority; that institutionalizes the checks and balances upon which democracy depends, and that places the interests of the people above party or faction. The voices of all people who protest peacefully must be heard.

"No transition to democracies comes without difficulty, but in the end, it must stay true to the will of the people.

Militarized, religious fascism, prohibition, police state, coup, monopolized party system, Muslim entity, should not be part of any democratic process around the world. Democracy should be part and should be spread to all nations so that all can breath free and feel they are part of the system that maintains their nation.

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