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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Find Yourself, Free Thinking, Change Your Environment, Get Away From the Negative Things and Get Close to the Positive

Self-care and self-love is your greatest asset to oneself. It takes your power back from negative people, negative dogma, negative environments. Rest when you can refresh, recharge and renew your thoughts during your own time. This is your meditation. Refresh the body and mind. Gather your thoughts, your spirit, in all should be free. Live to learn more, for life is a life-long learning process with you being its guide. Bad times will not last unless you get away from the environment that is causing it. Learn from the past and the present to be better in the future. Get out of the binds of religious dogma, manipulating people, controlling people, controlling groups, toxic people who create the toxicity in your life. Leave it to find yourself. Your greater self-has been waiting for you to free your thoughts, free your spirit. Your journey is your own, for there is no other you from anyone else. You are unique. Your reason, your path, your destination is yours and there is a reason for it. Past sufferings are only part of the teachings to make you a more enlightened person. Never become fanatical about nothing, never become extreme, obsessed, possessed by anything or anybody. Free your mind. There are many diverse places, people, cultures, tools you can use to do all this, but you must make the move, your motivation is more important than others controls over you. The world is 7.7 billion people and all are connected and all are a part that makes if operate. Cross your boundaries of multicultural, ideas, theories. Try new things and fit the lessons into your life in diversifying them into your life's portfolio as you. Solve your problems through reasoning, logic research and discovery. You can be told what is, but question all to come to your own conclusion. This is more about you and your path. Find yourself. The answers are at your fingertips.

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