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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

WARNING! WARNING! The Problems with Facebook

1. It does not protect you from being hacked or identity breach. I have Norton Security, and even bypassed that. When they disable your account for security purposes, it can take up to 3 years to recover your account. If they do disable your account, they give you no warning or no way of recovering accept for identifying friends. OK.......I can remember 5000 friends......yeah right.

2. If facebook was a stock, I would not buy it, because it is heading toward the way of the dinosaur. Just like myspace did.

3. I have a lot of accounts and have never had this problem. My God the ignorance of this company.

4. I hope everyone out there does not go through what I went through with this horrible company.

5. Also any Tom, Dick and Harry can fake and duplicate your account on messenger. It has been done to me 3X. It is infested with scammers, hackers, desperate people, most female. Do not join the dating sites, they are free of course, free is not always good, when it female cyber business women on the other end, most being from the Philippines. You will get tons of hits from there and the conversations are the most stupid conversations, like talking to a bimbo.

6. Well I am done with them, hope you don't fall into there merry go round account realm.

7. They only have 500+ people to deal with security issues.

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