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Sunday, February 14, 2016


The internet is freedom, freedom to say or at should be, express oneself in any which way they choose. The individual must set the parameters to what is seen and what is not according to what is set up in their own personal setting and filters. No one or no one ideology, beliefs are the same. People learn through experiences, through other people, reading, researching, making conclusions with logic, reason, calculations, analysis. The older groups, institutions, and religions are controlled by clergies, manipulators, control freaks, fanatics, extremists, elites and money manipulators for self-interest, programmers to gullible lost sheep who are too lazy to think free and have free spirit, so they are guided astray, as long as they feel important in a group. It is why you here the terms fake news, political correctness, those who go against science. They do not want you free on the internet, able to think on your own, critically figure out that they themselves are fake, con artist, mind manipulators, for their own endeavors. Extremism, fanaticism, cults, and gangs should be outlawed to prevent obstruction to freedom of thought, spirit, and choice. Any organization that profits from controlling others without the ability of critical free thought and free spirit should be taxed like any other book, idea, following trying to sell themselves for profit. This is why there is the controlling of income inequality to keep you where they want you to be. Wake up.

2. Is not it strange that a candidate from Vermont who is funded by individuals, 3.5 million to be closely exact is leading an established Democrat fueled by PAC's and a self-made billionaire from New York funding his own campaign without donations leading the Republican primaries?

3. The only way to end the oppression of others in the world is to have freedom of the internet without governmental monitoring. Being controlled by gangs, extremist, cults, religion, fanaticism and money moguls.

4. We all vote in society via money exchange, elections and what we communicate to people worldwide. This again is why the internet and the freedom of it are so important.

5. Sometimes people use they're religious belief to hide behind they do not want others to see. Use it to look down upon others and feel a high self-righteous to get what they want from others and for themselves. I have a sister that does this really well.

6. China uses communism to control its people but capitalism is where they make most of they're money. Sort of hiding behind communism per se.

7. Russia and Putin go together in dollar format, in which Trump is a good friend or always praises Putin. He's worth 49 billion dollars. Billionaire to billionaire.

8. In the '60s and '70s when in which I grew up in, they're were an individual protest in political policy in which we are seeing today, so I can relate. You can only beat people down so far and it happens during the Arab spring through social media, which is being talked about being taken away using the excuse of terrorist communications.

9. We have gone from individual freedom of thought to be paranoid. Fear-mongering works and sells, especially in security, weapons, private prisons, law inc, wars and excuses for going forward with the people's trust in the forces manipulating the situation on a global scale.

10. Black markets, nationalism, inflation, high-interest rates, are caused by protectionism. Free markets must avail. Freedom to express oneself, freedom of a spiritual thought pattern and freedom of choice in a personal way to live life the way they want to. Globalism and multiculturalism are the keys to a free world. Wars sometimes must be fought in order to free up personnel freedom, oppression (when diplomacy does not work first), and to free up commerce avenues of approach.

11. People give people power through the monetary exchange, voting, protesting, civil lawsuits. It should not be done through civil disorder, civil disobedience, revolutions because is caused restructuring of what has already been laid down in a system that works.

12. Hence a sales tax vs an income tax. Get rid of the income tax and do a users tax using a free market system, a global free-market system. Businesses and government would have to work together to produce a good income base for their coffers to finance the government.

13. Legalization of certain drugs, prostitution and other sales that are illegal now could be taxed and the way things would be according to the sales and the way people would dictate culture and the way society is run, which would be ever-changing.

14. The divisions between races, cultures, and colors should be abolished. Organizations and politicians that distort this are wrong and only stop up the system.

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