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Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Globalization Summary Outlook (Opinion)


-Tariffs, in which Trump is wrong with, is bad for any global economy, which with shortages, creates black markets, inflation, and worldwide interest rate hikes. So into does global prohibitions to a free market that should be a consumer-driven supply and demand, not according to product-market manipulation by governments or religion.
-Depopulation control, in the long run, hurts global economies with their safety nets. A world growing old, needs the young for the future, for they are the future of your older years. Immigration in the short run can stabilize this, in the long run, the world will need population replacement.
-Social networking and e-commerce will play a big part in our globalization and free trade future agenda.
-Infrastructure will play a big part in a world's global growth, These being transportation, communications, power grids, etc.
-Brazil, India, Russia, and China will be the leading factor in globalization endeavors through its newly founded BRIC organization. It will compete with the IMF
-Deregulation of energy, education, healthcare, biotechnologies, and nanotechnologies will excel forth global economies and free flow of commerce. De-supplementation of world economic sectors is a must.
-Multi corporations will play a big part in integrating the globalization into the free global market place.

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