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Friday, June 21, 2024

Religions and World Nationalist Goals to Keep You From Knowledge, Access to Information, Freedom of Expression, Access to Free Media Content

You see the world being censored today, putting bans on a smartphone for age 16, sites being sensitive to religious downing, The Internet to religion is the enemy or competition to it. Free thought, free spirit, you should be able to leave any religion anytime! This is the whole point behind teaching multiculturalism, free trace, limited regulation on immigration and travel abroad. Nationalists around the world are restricting global media and Internet access to their culture to reel back people's freedom to discover different cultures; globalization should prevail over this. We in the USA are being threatened by this under agenda 25 and the Christian Nationalist movement, The newer generation is against this and blend in well with mixing in with other cultures and have a ditaste for religion. It will get resistance after the election and if Trump is elected. Religions aim to keep the populous feeding their coffers and keeping you isolated from the Tree of Life, their control, and the Tree of Knowledge that abounds under information technology and social sit freedom, your freedom of information access and free expression. Resist! 

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