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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Population by age groups in the world


  • <20 years: Approximately 2.6 billion people (33.2% of the global population) are under 20 years old.
  • 20-39 years: Around 2.3 billion people (29.9%) fall within this age group.
  • 40-59 years: About 1.8 billion people (23.1%) are between 40 and 59 years old.
  • 60-79 years: Approximately 918 million people (11.8%) belong to this age range.
  • 80-99 years: There are 147 million people (1.9%) aged 80 to 99.
  • 100+ years: A smaller group, with 0.6 million individuals (0.01%), are 100 years or older.

Interestingly, our world now has a notably higher percentage of older people than it did 70 years ago. An aging population can have far-reaching consequences on a country’s economy, including workforce challenges and pension pressures. However, it also brings positive aspects, such as increased volunteerism and lower crime rates in older communities1.

Friday, June 28, 2024

World Religion


  1. Christianity: Approximately 2.38 billion adherents (31% of the global population).
  2. Islam: Around 1.91 billion followers (24.9%).
  3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: About 1.19 billion people (15.6%).
  4. Hinduism: Approximately 1.16 billion adherents (15.2%).
  5. Buddhism: Around 506 million followers (6.6%).
  6. Chinese traditional religion: About 394 million adherents (5.6%).
  7. Ethnic religions (excluding some in separate categories): Approximately 300 million adherents (3%).
  8. African traditional religions: Around 100 million followers (1.2%).
  9. Sikhism: Approximately 26 million adherents (0.3%).
  10. SpiritismJudaism, and other smaller religions make up the remaining percentages.

Religious Makeup of the USA


  1. Christianity: Approximately 70.6% of Americans identify as Christian. This group includes various traditions and denominations:

    • Evangelical Protestant: 25.4%
    • Mainline Protestant: 14.7%
    • Historically Black Protestant: 6.5%
    • Catholic: 20.8%
    • Mormon: 1.6%
    • Orthodox Christian: 0.5%
    • Jehovah’s Witness: 0.8%
    • Other Christian: 0.4%
  2. Non-Christian Faiths: About 5.9% of the population adheres to non-Christian religions:

    • Jewish: 1.9%
    • Muslim: 0.9%
    • Buddhist: 0.7%
    • Hindu: 0.7%
    • Other World Religions: 0.3%
  3. Religiously Unaffiliated: Roughly 22.8% of Americans identify as unaffiliated (often referred to as “nones”):

    • Atheist: 3.1%
    • Agnostic: 4.0%
    • Nothing in particular: 15.8%
    • Don’t know: 0.6%

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Poison of Populism

· Populism is a political phenomenon that has gained prominence in recent years. Let’s delve into what it entails: Definition of Populism: Populism is a political ideology that pits ordinary people against a perceived corrupt elite, sort of like communism did before the Russian and Chinese overthrow. It claims to represent the unified “will of the people” and often opposes the existing system of Capitalism, the most wealth-producing system. Populist leaders typically frame themselves as outsiders who will “drain the swamp” or challenge the “liberal. Well, the liberal elite were those who built the USA to where it is today, brought us through the Industrial Revolution, and are taking us through the informational and digital age and now through the age of AI, biotech, nanotech, and progress. This goes against the grain of religious dogma, prohibitions, and forced restrictions on the people and their liberal freedoms as individuals. Populists despise the present establishment – including political, economic, cultural, and media institutions – as a homogeneous entity that prioritizes its interests over those of “the people” but in which the people consume and have an appetite for, not the will of a Christian Nationalism, forced religious belief that differs from the tree of life. Still, the tree of knowledge, right keep them dumb! 2. Challenges and Risks: Populists often discredit formal institutions such as courts, regulatory agencies, intelligence services, and the press, undermining the foundations of liberal democracy, which will be freedom of the press, expression, global free trade, multiculturalism, and corporation of the world as a whole, collective problem solving of all countries input in one accord. The rise of populism jeopardizes democracies worldwide and wants to create a worldwide religious autocracy, theocracy. When populist leaders erode trust in institutions, democracy becomes hollowed out—sort of what Adolf Hitler did to Germany, Mussolini. It will be a religious fascism, a dark age for individual rights and expressing themselves as such. Mainstream political parties must address these challenges by reclaiming the rule of law, upholding democratic norms, and responding to voter concerns. 3. Appeal and Causes: Populist arguments resonate with people who feel that politicians are unresponsive, unaccountable, and corrupt, even though where a majority of the people elect them. Distrust in political parties and politicians fuels this appeal. Being gullible and passionate in their thoughts Failures of mainstream parties – both center-left and center-right – contribute to the rise of populism. Voters seek change from politics as usual, especially regarding issues like immigration, in which we are a nation of immigrants, even to the native Indians, free trade, which is the doctrine of Adam Smith, and technological advances, which they are afraid of, giving in the past, traditionalist. In summary, populism poses risks to democracies globally, and addressing its underlying causes requires political solutions. As we navigate these challenges, understanding the dynamics of populism becomes crucial. I

Friday, June 21, 2024

Teach Your Children to Use Smartphones, Computers, Social Media

  Teach your children to read and explore the Internet and social media sites, not just TV programming; teach them reason, research, and question all when in doubt, logic, and debate to learn without offense. Teach them to sense fantasy belief, cultic persuasion, cons, fanatics, and extremism. Teach them to be free thinkers and that life is their journey and no one else's. Teach them that being told what fake news and misinformation is just brainwashing and that they must question and research it, for you are your own diverse programmer. Teach them not to shy away from learning everything; you must know the enemy and things to understand all and always strive to self-improve. Let them draw to things they strive for, not things they are forced into.  And remember, ancient philosophy can be used in modern times, but new ones can be used in philosophical diversity. Teach them to travel, and learn about different cultures, for all are connected to one world and have to live together with mutual respect.   

Religions and World Nationalist Goals to Keep You From Knowledge, Access to Information, Freedom of Expression, Access to Free Media Content

You see the world being censored today, putting bans on a smartphone for age 16, sites being sensitive to religious downing, The Internet to religion is the enemy or competition to it. Free thought, free spirit, you should be able to leave any religion anytime! This is the whole point behind teaching multiculturalism, free trace, limited regulation on immigration and travel abroad. Nationalists around the world are restricting global media and Internet access to their culture to reel back people's freedom to discover different cultures; globalization should prevail over this. We in the USA are being threatened by this under agenda 25 and the Christian Nationalist movement, The newer generation is against this and blend in well with mixing in with other cultures and have a ditaste for religion. It will get resistance after the election and if Trump is elected. Religions aim to keep the populous feeding their coffers and keeping you isolated from the Tree of Life, their control, and the Tree of Knowledge that abounds under information technology and social sit freedom, your freedom of information access and free expression. Resist! 

Alternatives to Twitter and facebook

 Here are a few X, aka Twitter alternatives, including Bluesky, Meta's Threads, Mastodon, Hive, Tumblr, and even TikTok text posts.