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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Diversify Your Racial Portfolio

 Ask me about extremism, fanaticism, tribalism? All begat each other. In our country, there is a big donut hole. Trump, BLM Antifa. Together we stand and divided we fall. Free your mind and the rest will follow. Diversify your portfolio, you are not the only human being on the earth, take a DNA test to find out where you are from, then gain your pride from the real truth. Reboot your brain. No one is responsible for what your great-grandparents did or what they suffered. History is a lesson not to repeat. We do not relive the past, we learn from it. Live the present, plan for the future without the color worshipping, think on your own through research, logic, reason. Don't believe in the cons, the fanatics, the extremist, it is all money-based anyway, profiting off your gullibility, your ignorance

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