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Saturday, August 31, 2019

"Apple Blossom" - Dreyer, Shippy, and Shippy - Weiser 2019

Games Without Frontiers

Fox on the Run

Fortunate Son

For the Good Times

Folsom Prison Blues

Fly Like An Eagle

Fifteen Years Ago

Feel Like Making Love

Fast As You

Everyday People

Earth Angel

I;ve Got This Drinking Thing

Drifting Too Far From the Shore

Down in the Boondocks

Don't Forget to Remember Me

Don't Be Cruel

Top 10 BEST Countries to Meet Beautiful Women

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Come Monday

12 Things to Know If You Like Sleeping Naked

People before profit!

How Imports and Exports Affect You | Economics

Will We Be Sleeping With Robots by 2025? | The Daily Show

Hippies, Jesus, and Communism.

5 Ways America Is Already Socialist

Gillibrand suggests giving Social Security to illegal immigrants

60% of the Budget spent on staffing, no wonder it is going insolvent Senator Warren calls for increased funding for the Social Security Admin...

Immigration 101: Economic Impact of Immigrant Labor

Trump Reaches New Level of Cruelty With 2020 Budget | Opinions | NowThis

Trump's Pathetic Lies about Social Security and Medicare

Andrew Yang - We bailed out the banks in '08, why not choose the America...

Reagan on taxes, Social Security

Anatomy of America's Next Disaster Exposed!

Stromboli Volcano Eruption August 28, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Come Monday

Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nica...

White Nationalist Terror Attack in El Paso Was Not an Isolated Incident

Richard Wolff Explains How China Beats The West At Capitalism ft. Richar...

15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years Due To AI

Would America's Farms Collapse Without Immigrants?

US construction companies facing extreme labor shortage

World Prohibition Around the World and How It Makes Everything Expensive, Manipulating Supply and Demand Around the World

Controlling supply and demand by manipulating prices through Immigration controls, stiffer rules. The illegal drug wars, prohibitions, Law Inc, the wall, tight borders. illegal drugs, non-importation from legal drugs abroad, drug war, etc. Oil wars, conflicts, OPEC, petrodollar, protectionism, isolationism. We had strict prohibitions in the 1920s, lasted pretty good til the bottom fell out in 1929, filtered out the greedy, jumping out the windows when the stock market crashed and killing themselves, filtered out nationalism across the globe, which was mainly two socialisms fighting each other being National Socialist and Communist Socialist, World War 2, and here we are again!

Things That Slow Down Global Economics

Things that slow down global economics and destroys what civilization has built. Wars, religion, prohibition, over-regulation, police states, censorships, control freaks, fanatics, extremist, oligarchies, monopolies in power, money controls, prohibitionist, lack of personnel liberty and restrictions, too. Many laws that Law Inc profits from and have never changed to meet modern times or reviewed or rescinded, drug wars where profit is made through creating shortages, feeding big oil, big pharma, military-industrial complex. All laws should work with the supply and demands of the people, an argument for the sales tax in which they would have to and getting rid of the income tax.

The Way I Look at the World

The world is a market of what sells and what does not in ideas, exchanges, products, and services according to supply and demand and not to be restricted by prohibition, isolationist, fanatics, extremist, old institutions that live in the past of ancient reference to the modern times. Wars, conflict, and anything that hinders progress and global commerce flow are obsolete. Never become fanatical about nothing, lead me to follow me or get the hell out of the way, keep it simple stupid if it is not broke, don't fix it. A woman is a caretaker of our future of our children, they should be treated with the utmost respect and not according to a religious doctrine

Globalization, Organized Crime, What Activities They Thrive In

Global crime is one which transcends national boundaries (globalization). Transnational crime is big business, the United Nations reports that illegal drugs make up 8% of the world trade.

Global organized crime focus on these areas: Their goal is to make money by supplying illegal goods (such as drugs, weapons, human organs, prostitutes or sex slaves) through criminal means (such extortion, protection, corruption, murder or money-laundering).

Cold Cold Heart

�� Trump on damage control - markets trade on every tweet

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cocaine Blues

Chug a Lug


Cathy's Clown

Call Me the Breeze


Censorship? Obstruction bought upon free expression, free thought, personnel liberties that slows human progress down by prohibitionist, protectionist, traditionalist, fanatics, control freaks, extremist, greedy money-grubbers, and old religious establishments that try and use ancient text for modern times that evolve 

Calendar Girl

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blue Moon

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Black Magic Woman

Viral ‘gentle’ Hong Kong policeman hopes to resolve stand-offs without c...

Bernie 2020 Unveils Historic Plan For Workers

Rob Reiner: We Have Archie Bunker In The White House

Freedom of Thought and Spirit Without Others or Institutions Thinking for You

Good and evil are according to what sells in ideas, ideologies, products, services, and liberties, the monopolizers are prohibitionist. Think free, be free, be a free-spirited, push for the free market and free liberties. Stay away from toxic people, programming brainwashing institutions, control freaks, fanatics, extremist, the narrow-minded. Think about your own, do your own research, analyze, calculate, reason, use logic.

Conservatives lash out at ballooning national deficit

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


China and US Trade War, Huawei, 5G, 66 F-16's Sale to Taiwan, US Recession, Twitter Banning Some Government Media Outlets, Oil, US, Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong Protest, MSNBC and OAN Feud, A Planet with 3 Stars

My Channel on Minds, Linkedin, Tumber, MeWe, YouTube, GaryF2437 (Singsnap), VK, Gab, OK Facebook, frockman232@gmail



Contact frockman232@gmail Mature Material, Music, Variety of Video Subject, Karaoke Recordings, World News, Politics, Nudity, Art, Economics, Philosophy, Blogger, Futurist, Free Thinker, Free Market, Globalization, Free-Spirited, Anti Prohibitionist, Anti Fanatical and Anti Extremist in any forms The world is a market of what sells and what does not in ideas, exchanges, products, and services according to supply and demand and not to be restricted by prohibition, isolationist, fanatics, extremist, old institutions that live in the past of ancient reference to the modern times. Wars, conflict, and anything that hinders progress and global commerce flow are obsolete. Never become fanatical about nothing, lead me to follow me or get the hell out of the way, keep it simple stupid, if it is not broke, don't fix it. A woman's body is a work of art and should be adored Things that slow down global economics are and destroys what civilization built. Wars, religion, prohibition, over-regulation, police states, censorships, control freaks, fanatics, extremist, oligarchies, monopolies on power and money control, pessimist, lack of personnel liberty restrictions, too many laws that Law Inc profits from, the drug wars where profit is made through creating shortages, feeding big oil and the military-industrial complex. Immigration price manipulation, stiffer rules. Illegal drug manipulation, Law Inc, the wall, tight border. Healthcare price manipulation, illegal drugs, non-importation from legal drugs abroad, drug war, etc. Oil price manipulation, wars, conflicts, OPEC, petrodollar, etc. We had strict prohibitions in the 1920s, lasted pretty good til the bottom fell out in 1929, filtered out the greedy, jumping out the window and killing themselves, filtered out nationalism across the globe, World War 2, and here we are again! Interests Social media, blogging, reading, nutrition and herbs, world news, world culture, globalization, free trade, a market according to supply and demand of the world consumer market, not subsidies and unregulated Religion should be no part of a government and never forced upon a population or civilization. The world is a market of ideas, such as religion and ideologies, About me, Single retired from the army. I am 58 and Married 2x, one was Korean, the other from Thailand, Universal in thought, logic, reason and critical thinking. Want to spend more time enhancing my retirements. Like to travel, beach towns, beaches, seafood, would like to live in another tropical country. internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, like meeting people from different cultures. Freethinker, free-spirited. like music, karaoke, economics, and social trends in the world, geopolitics. Nutrition, and herbs, multicultural. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. Born on John Lennon's birthday and born the year Kennedy was elected. I think money matters, don't tread on my freedoms, I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom, the past you learn from and use it as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey, express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidances over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money-grubbers. Religious Beliefs Mahayana Buddhism 100%, Universal Unitarianism 90%, Jainism 88%, Taoism 87%, Hinduism 86%, Theravada Buddhism 83%, Liberal Quaker 83%, Religious Society of Friends 81%, New Ag 80%, Sikhism 77%, New Thought 75%, Neo-Pagan 73%, Scientology 72%, Christian Science, 65%, Liberal Christian 55%, Humanism 46%, Reform Judaism 44%, Bahai Faith 43%, Non Theist 35%, Seventh Day Adventist 31%, Church of the Latter-Day Saints 31%, Islam 29%, Orthodox Judaism 27%, Christian Protestantism 24%, Eastern Orthodox 20%, Jehovah Witness 20%, Roman Catholic 20% Philosophers: Hagel metaphysics, individuality, history, and logic. Nietzsche, Share your personal link: Work Experience Message center and delivery, tactical telecommunications, nuclear biological chemical safety and equipment management, office administration (files, publications, copy), communications security custodian, army recruitment, ammunition and small arms storage, training coordinator, hardware retail receiving and delivery, data processing center librarian, emergency room security, hospital security, telecommunications center operations, army battlefield analysis (artillery, air defense), army radio operator, electronics warehouse distribution, temporary work, mortgage post closer (files, data entry, shipping), discount retail merchandising. Military Training: Nuclear Biological Chemical Safety and Training, Telecommunications Center Operations, Communications Terminology, Primary Leadership Development, German Culture, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Principals of Counseling, Training Management, Communications Security Hardware and Software Storage, Alcohol and Drug Coordination Testing and Counseling, Publications Clerk Course, Basic Leadership Course, Advanced Leadership Course, Small Arms Maintenance and Storage. College: English , Speech , History, Psychology, Technical Math, College Orientation, Physical Conditioning, Personnel Management, Physical Education, Intro to Management, Sales Techniques, Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Korean Grammar and Writing, Management Problems, Training Management, Records Management, Supervision, Data Processing, Office Management, Law Enforcement, Sociology, Economics.     

Robert Reich: The 5-Step CEO Pay Scam

Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me (HD)

Monday, August 19, 2019

I Started a Joke

Susie Q

Barbara Lewis - Hello Stranger (with lyrics) [in Stereo]

Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger (Official Music Video)

Gender and feminism influencing sexual violence and rape culture | Reesa...

Tammy Wynette - I Don't Want To Play House (Live)

Ruby Don't Take Your Love to Town

I Remember the Year Clayton Delaney Died

Is The DNC RIGGING The Primary Against Tulsi Gabbard and Others?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hey Its Good to Be Back Home Again

I Don't Think Hank Done It This Away

Are You Lonesome Togight


Dont be angry

Loveless Mansion on the Hill

If Your Loving Me Like Im Loving you

HORSE WITH no nane

Daisey jane

This is for all the lonely people

Fifteen years ago

Hello darling

Almost Persuaded

All Shook Up

All I Have to Offer You Is Me

All for the Love of a Girl

All Along the Watch Tower

You Can Anything That You Want At Alice's Resturuant

Ain't That a Shame

I'm a Thousand Miles From Nowhere

Elon Musk And Andrew Yang Support UBI - Is America Ready?

Stranded Australian passenger: 'You need to be working. Go get a job.'

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Horse With No Name

It's Been a Hard Days Night

Country Folks Can Survive

A Boy Named Sue

Because I'm Leaving Here a Better Man

You're Going to Cry 96 Tears

Your My Soul and My Own Inspiration

Van Morrison - Into The Mystic

Now and Then There's a Fool Such as I in the Style of Elvis Presley

I Just Want to Be Your Teddy Bear in the Style of Elvis Presley

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wild Thing I Think You Move Me

Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet 1974 Video Sound HQ

HEATWAVE / The Groove Line 1978

How Stephen King Predicted Trump's Rise Decades Ago | Opinions | NowThis

Adele - One and Only (Live at The Royal Albert Hall)

Markets tumble amid recession fears

TESS Satellite Finds New Planet with Two Sons

Astronomers have just spotted a new planet approximately 22.5 light-years away from us! And the most exciting thing about this new planet is that it has three suns! Researchers say that it might be our best shot at encountering other life forms! What excited researchers the most, is the fact that this planet seems to have an atmosphere! And that means that somewhere over there, there may be extraterrestrial life! What's more, the chances are high that soon, scientists will be able to confirm the existence of the atmosphere on the planet. They are full of hope because though the temperature on the planet seems way too hot, there's still a chance that something (or somebody) has adapted to these nightmarish conditions. So, are we going to meet our space neighbors any time soon?

SUMMARY: - TESS stands for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: a NASA mission that’s been in search of planets orbiting the brightest stars of our galaxy since April 2018. - Astronomers hope that during the first two years of the satellite's operation, it’ll come across 10,000 unknown worlds. - So far, TESS has already located several planets, including the one with three suns. This new world has the catchy name of LTT 1445Ab. - Analyzing the data received from TESS, the satellite, astronomers concluded that the newly discovered world is boiling-hot on the surface, with temperatures rising as high as 320 degrees F. - In September 2011, astronomers discovered a world that eerily resembled Tatooine. The planet, dubbed Kepler-16b, consists of half rock and ice and half gas and orbits two closely located stars. - The climate on the Tatooine-like planet is quite chilly, even though it's closer to its parent stars than Earth is to the Sun. However, there's no mystery here: Kepler-16b's stars are less bright than our Sun. - Astronomers say that in this case, the only living beings on Earth might be some advanced life forms that came from somewhere else and managed to keep themselves warm after relocating to our planet. - Since Earth would be orbiting two stars, the year would become a bit longer. The thing is that the combined mass of the two stars Kepler-16b circles is 10% less than the mass of our Sun. - The stars would pass in front of each other once every 5 days, and every time, the eclipse would last for about 6 hours! - But the most amazing difference would be how the sky would look from the surface of the planet. The two suns wouldn't look very big, but they would be differently colored, and so close together they would almost look like they were touching. - Our Sun may have a companion, a theoretical white or brown dwarf star called Nemesis. - Right now, astronomers can't find any evidence that the dwarf star is accompanying our Sun somewhere up there. But according to a 2017 study, this star could exist in the very, very ancient past.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Clashes break out at Hong Kong airport during protests

Tencent's Spending Spree from Gaming to Investing

Senior Resident Shows Support for Hong Kong Protests

Tuvalu: a tiny nation taking on Australia and the world to fight climate...

[07/08/19] RM2bil lost every year due to online scams, commercial crimes

Chris Matthews On World Press Freedom Day Under The Donald Trump Adminis...

Cheer Up Sleepy Jean

Fox on the Run

Wicca the Story

Age of Consent Around the World

Age of Consent Around the World

RankCountryRegionAge of Consent
1AfghanistanAsiaMust be married
6Antigua and BarbudaNorth America16
7ArgentinaSouth America18
12BahamasNorth America16
15BarbadosNorth America16
18BelizeNorth America16
21BoliviaSouth America14
22Bosnia and HeregovinaEurope14
24BrazilSouth America14
28Burma (Myanmar)Asia14
32CanadaNorth America16
33Cape VerdeAfrica14
34Central African RepublicAfrica18
36ChileSouth America18
38ColombiaSouth America14
40Costa RicaNorth America15
42CubaNorth America16
44Czech RepublicEurope15
45Democratic Republic of the CongoAfrica14
48DominicaNorth America16
49Dominican RepublicNorth America18
50East TimorAsia14
51EcuadorSouth America14
53El SalvadorNorth America18
54Equatorial GuineaAfrica18
67GrenadaNorth America16
68GuatemalaNorth America18
71GuyanaSouth America16
72HaitiNorth America18
73HondurasNorth America15
78IranAsiaMust be married
83Ivory CoastAfrica18
84JamaicaNorth America16
90KuwaitAsiaMust be married
97LibyaAfricaMust be married
105MaldivesAsiaMust be married
108Marshall IslandsOceania16
111MexicoNorth America17
123New ZealandOceania16
124NicaraguaNorth America18
127North KoreaAsia15
129OmanAsiaMust be married
130PakistanAsiaMust be married
132PanamaNorth America18
133Papua New GuineaOceania16
134ParaguaySouth America14
135PeruSouth America14
139QatarAsiaMust be married
140Republic of the CongoAfrica18
142Russian FederationAsia16
144Saint Kitts and NevisNorth America16
145Saint LuciaNorth America16
146Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesNorth America15
148San MarinoEurope14
149Sao Tome and PrincipeAfrica14
150Saudi ArabiaAsiaMust be married
154Sierra LeoneAfrica18
158Solomon IslandsOceania15
160South AfricaAfrica16
161South KoreaAsia20
162South SudanAfrica18
164Sri LankaAsia16
165SudanAfricaMust be married
166SurinameSouth America16
176Trinidad and TobagoNorth America16
183United Arab EmiratesAsiaMust be married
184United KingdomEurope16
185United StatesNorth America16
186UruguaySouth America15
189Vatican CityEurope18
190VenezuelaSouth America16
192YemenAsiaMust be married